Fitness journey

Tim i just saw your new video on the ford truck. i know its just been a couple of days or so but i could see a difference in your face. i know when i start to lose weight i first see it in my face and i could see a difference in yours today so keep it up brother you got this
Now if only the scale would agree with you. 😂
Slid back yesterday after my inflammation spiked in the afternoon. Bought some whiskey, dulled the pain and felt a lot better. The tradeoff is today, I'm not feeling 100%. I had a weird weekend though where my energy level dropped quickly after doing work around the house.

I'm trying to identify the food or activity that caused the inflammation to spike. This morning I had my shake for breakfast thinking the anti-oxidants would help right away. I'm also drinking my green tea like I normally do to help.

I did some Yoga yesterday and will do some today. I'm surprised my inflammation spiked. I'm going to circle back with my doctor and see about increasing my Gabapentin prescription.

Not real happy about sliding back, but I have to not be so hard on myself and I keep telling myself this is a journey, not a race.
Slid back yesterday after my inflammation spiked in the afternoon. Bought some whiskey, dulled the pain and felt a lot better. The tradeoff is today, I'm not feeling 100%. I had a weird weekend though where my energy level dropped quickly after doing work around the house.

I'm trying to identify the food or activity that caused the inflammation to spike. This morning I had my shake for breakfast thinking the anti-oxidants would help right away. I'm also drinking my green tea like I normally do to help.

I did some Yoga yesterday and will do some today. I'm surprised my inflammation spiked. I'm going to circle back with my doctor and see about increasing my Gabapentin prescription.

Not real happy about sliding back, but I have to not be so hard on myself and I keep telling myself this is a journey, not a race.
it is not a sprint. I mean it didn't take over night for us to get to where we are now and I know for fact that the older we get the longer its going to take to get in better shape. my Dr put me on that pill also to help with the nerve pain and it helps somewhat. I don't know if you guys have Goodie powders out there but if you do try the goodies body pain its in a red pack and they have one for arthritis also. I took them for years and they helped but just like drinking its going to have an effect over years but the powder is the lesser of the two. I love food also so its hard to change the diet for the inflammation. I'm finding the low sodium is helping me to loss weight.

we are going to fall back and that's fine just don't go full and fall off the mountain. pain sucks so I'm with you
good day sir just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing with your walk with fitness? its been crazy over here and I'm having surgery on Friday on my neck so I'll be in la la land for about a week. hope your doing well keep up the great work
I wanted to give everyone an update. I’ve definitely gotten worse over the last few months for pain. It seems like the more I try to exercise, the more I hurt.

Monday, my wife and I went to the best Orthopedic doctor in Northern Colorado. He looked at the X-rays and said there wasn’t any red flags for him. However, he does see the variety of issues I have like hip pain, hand numbness, headaches and a few minor things as being real issues, just not all related.

The plan is to start physical therapy next Thursday. I’m also getting an MRI done soon. The schedulers have called and I didn’t catch them before their offices closed.

I’m doing what I can to exercise with the pain. Like yesterday, I went for a walk and that hurt. So, I went to the Y and went swimming. Then, I sat in my neighbor’s hot tub.

I also go to the Dermatologist on Friday to figure out my red face issues. I’ve swapped sun screen and added a new moisturizer. TBD on that issue.

It is most likely the place I’m at now is due to putting off issues over the years. Now those issues are ganging up on me. THOSE BASTARDS!! LOL. Trying to keep my spirits high.
I wanted to give everyone an update. I’ve definitely gotten worse over the last few months for pain. It seems like the more I try to exercise, the more I hurt.

Monday, my wife and I went to the best Orthopedic doctor in Northern Colorado. He looked at the X-rays and said there wasn’t any red flags for him. However, he does see the variety of issues I have like hip pain, hand numbness, headaches and a few minor things as being real issues, just not all related.

The plan is to start physical therapy next Thursday. I’m also getting an MRI done soon. The schedulers have called and I didn’t catch them before their offices closed.

I’m doing what I can to exercise with the pain. Like yesterday, I went for a walk and that hurt. So, I went to the Y and went swimming. Then, I sat in my neighbor’s hot tub.

I also go to the Dermatologist on Friday to figure out my red face issues. I’ve swapped sun screen and added a new moisturizer. TBD on that issue.

It is most likely the place I’m at now is due to putting off issues over the years. Now those issues are ganging up on me. THOSE BASTARDS!! LOL. Trying to keep my spirits high.
My wife had some “red face” issues that she thought was rosacea but it turns out it was sun damage which happens when you live at 7,500’. She had 3 laser treatments on her face and neck over a three month span and those really helped. The dermatologist recommended a product made by “Elta MD” called UV PHYSICAL BROAD SPECTRUM (SPF-41).
All those things you do (and can do) when you’re a youngster catch up with you later in life, unfortunately.
All I can say is try to keep a positive outlook and follow your doctor’s advice.
Thanks for the update.
Bravo on getting the MRI done and hitting the Physical Therapy. I went through that myself and it did so much for me. The exercise program from it might seem like a major setback but what it's really a proper foundation to build from. I still do my therapy exercises from three-four years ago. Those exercises help me do my regular exercises as well as keep up at work.
Had some lower back pain last year that got pretty bad. MRI did not show anything but the Doctor still suggested Physical Therapy. The first 6 weeks didn’t see much progress but the second 6 weeks worked wonders. I got swapped around between 3 different PT’s. I don’t know if my gains in the last 6 weeks were because the last PT they set me up with had the best approach for me, or I just needed to get through that first 6 weeks before my body was going to respond.
Hey Tim, I really hope you are able to get it all figured out and get back to feeling great everyday. It is a long process, especially at our ages. I know just to recover from the holidays every year with all the extra crap I eat and drink takes about a month before everything is back to where I was before the holidays hit. The sugar, processed food and drinking during those times doesn't seem worth it after it's all done to recover from anymore.

On a side note, my wife has been pretty much non-ambulatory for the past couple months with back issues. She went in finally last week and they are pretty sure it's a herniated disc in her back. So she was told to get an MRI. She scheduled it for last night, then in the middle of the day got an email that the insurance needed further authorization so she couldn't get it done yesterday. The doctors wanted it done immediately to determine if she needs surgery or not, but because of our healthcare and insurance system she's still trying to get in, which is stupid. These are the problems we should be focusing on in our society, but instead we fight about ridiculous, often made up problems that have little to no effect on people's everyday lives.

Anyway, I hope things start looking up for you and you get back to good health!
I hope you keep recovering well @carhaulereastcoast I had been thinking about you and your surgery. Did all go well with it? I sure hope so!

it did go well longer than the Dr thought. what was a hour surgery turned into a 2 hour. the C6C7 nerve canal where pressing the nerve and causing major pain. I got my staples out on Tuesday and still have a lot of pain but doing well. not sure when I'm going back to work so still just sitting home building trucks on line and doing my homework. thanks for asking and hope you have a great weekend and a safe April 8th jonathan