Fitness journey

Dry needle didn’t work for me, hopefully you’ll have better results. Worst case is you eliminate it as an option and move on to the next form of treatment. That was the most frustrating part of my PT. The first 4 months we were just trying different things. Once we hit on what worked for me, essentially stretching and a cross fit routine, I was back in good form with in two months.
I'm with you after all the PT and bone scans nerve blocks and MRI the last resort was surgery. I'm glad I had the surgery but it was a long road and I still have the pain in the C1 to the C5
Ok that’s weird. I woke up and my neck muscle wasn’t tight as hell like it’s been for years. My shoulder blade area is still sore on my right side, but nothing like it had been. Plus, I don’t have a headache this morning. Now that is a new sensation. Normal feels weird now. LOL
Just wanted to share an update. I'm on day 4 of my work trip to Texas and onto my 3rd and final hotel room. Yesterday was a looong day standing on pavement on a track and driving various vehicles. I have to say my neck and hip are doing really well! That's not been the case in years with hotel beds and travel usually wrecking my body. I go in on Friday to have my hip done again with dry needling. I'm hoping to get my neck done as well. It isn't quite as loose as it was after the first dry needling. Not tight as hell, but not nearly as loose.

Also, day 4 of being headache-free. That's one big damn relief. I keep doing, what I'd describe as, an internal check with myself to see if I feel any head pain. I don't. It is just weird.
Just wanted to share an update. I'm on day 4 of my work trip to Texas and onto my 3rd and final hotel room. Yesterday was a looong day standing on pavement on a track and driving various vehicles. I have to say my neck and hip are doing really well! That's not been the case in years with hotel beds and travel usually wrecking my body. I go in on Friday to have my hip done again with dry needling. I'm hoping to get my neck done as well. It isn't quite as loose as it was after the first dry needling. Not tight as hell, but not nearly as loose.

Also, day 4 of being headache-free. That's one big damn relief. I keep doing, what I'd describe as, an internal check with myself to see if I feel any head pain. I don't. It is just weird.
this is great news Tim stay with it and God bless
Spent about an hour and half at the gym. Walked for 35 minutes and did some light weight lifting. Basically took my workout and reduced all the weights by 5-10 lbs. My hip got a little sore after the walk. Lifting and then stretching seemed to help. I put a heating pad on my hip and let my PT guy know. Getting there.

Also, ate pretty decent today and just one glass of wine tonight.
I’ve been testing out my body lately. Last week I jogged on the treadmill for 4 sets of 2 minutes. Yesterday, I did my spin bike for 30 mins. How did it turn out? Pretty good actually.

The jog was easy and I was glad to get my heart rate higher than walking. For the bike, my left thumb got numb early. Around the 20 minute mark my right middle finger went completely numb. I could feel the tingle in my hands, but no where near as painful or annoying as it had been in the past. My right thumb, typically the trouble spot, didn’t go numb at all. I also noticed, as I did yesterday running the weed whacker, that after I removed the pressure, the numbness goes away really fast.

For my hip, it just feels like I have a piece of tape on the outside of it. Not nearly as painful as it was and, once I stood on the pedals, that went way momentually.

It definitely feels like I’m on the right track and all the physical therapy is paying off. I have one more visit tomorrow and we are going to talk about “graduation” from PT. I’ll just do the stretching exercises at home. This should take care of my hip completely and my nerves could be completely fixed.

I’m playing golf today and I’m planning on hitting the gym and riding my bike this week with some more golf. I’ll be listening to my body and not overdoing it.

Next up, I need to dial in my diet a lot better. With no restrictions now since I know various foods don’t hurt me, I’m been pretty lax. I’ve also been testing certain foods like white bread, danishes, hamburger buns, etc… It seems like I can eat whatever I want without pain. Just need to watch it because those foods love to hang out around my belly!
I "graduated" from physical therapy yesterday and I got a free t-shirt!! Yippee! LOL.

What's funny is I'm feeling the best I have in the past 20 years and now I'm right around 260 lbs - the heaviest I've been in 20 years. I think it is just a matter of time for the weight to come off.

Yesterday I had a spinach omelet, one Kind bars, one banana with peanut butter, two very small pieces of left-over pizza with cauliflower crust, two zero gatorade drinks, salmon, potatoes and snap peas for dinner. I did have some whiskey. I'm struggling to kick that habit. I also played 18 holes of golf and was really busy all day standing in my office doing work and videos and generally just moving around. I burned 971 calories, 167 minutes of exercise, had 7,746 steps and stood 15 out 12 hours. That's from the Apple Watch. I'll attach a screenshot of my exercise and movement from the past month. Red is calories burned, green is exercise and blue is standing. I seem to hit a wall once a week where I have a slower day. My body tells me to knock it off, so I take it easy for one day.

This week, I rode my spin bike once, played three rounds of golf, and I still have three days to go. I'm not playing golf this weekend and instead will doing my spin bike/riding outside and heading to the Y to lift weights with my sons.

My daily calorie goal is just 640. I want to bump that up slowly to 1,000 a day and keep focusing on my diet.

I'll get there. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Huh, that’s pretty cool. My first mostly pain and numb-hand free in 20 years. Still getting numbness at 20 minute mark, but it quickly goes away and doesn’t linger. Now to keep stretching and make bike riding a consistent activity each week!

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Huh, that’s pretty cool. My first mostly pain and numb-hand free in 20 years. Still getting numbness at 20 minute mark, but it quickly goes away and doesn’t linger. Now to keep stretching and make bike riding a consistent activity each week!

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I love to ride mountain bikes and was up to 70 miles a week till I got hurt . keep it up sir your doing a great job