Fitness journey

200 lbs would be nice. I got on the scale the other day it was 260. The heaviest I’ve been in 20 years. I figure I eat pretty well, I just drink too much and the metabolism has slowed down. It was time to make a change. Plus, I’m finally feeling better pain wise. I don’t need to drink as much as I did.
I did the KETO diet hardcore and it was the fastest I've lost weight ever. It actually helped me reduce inflammation. Maybe the weight loss was the biggest factor for inflammation...who knows? I think everyone's body responds a bit differently to what causes inflammation. The worst part of KETO was the first couple weeks. I lost a bit of energy and going to the toilet was a bit fiery. However, once my body got used to burning fat, I was almost never hungry. I also had more energy in general after dropping almost all my noticeable body fat. I was extremely strict about what went in my mouth though. Only meat, fish, eggs, plain yogurt, occasional spinach or broccoli, and limited avocado, onion, and pepper. Everything cooked in butter or bacon fat. Sounds unhealthy, but it sure does cut the appetite and drop weight fast. I quit doing it hardcore and some fat came back slowly, but I didn't add in a bunch of carbs like I was eating before. I basically just started eating occasional potatoes, beans, beer, chips, etc. I think if I kept up the exercising along with the added in the carbs I would not have gained any fat back.
I just thought I'd share some details on what I'm up to these days for fitness. As a public figure, I get plenty of comments about me. LOL

A little background. In my 20s and early 30s, I was very active and weighed about 180 lbs. Active in that I used to run 5 miles, lift weights and go for long (30-40 mile) bike rides on the weekend. I also did two 100 mile (century) bike rides.

Flash forward 15 years and I started two businesses (closed one), was a stay-at-home Dad with my boys and dealt with chronic pain issues with alcohol. The weight added up and my fitness went way down.

I didn't realize how much pain I was in to be honest. One night I woke up and my thumbs were on fire. I came to find out, I have a double pinched nerve and my back was out of alignment. This was causing numbness in my fingers which lead me to not ride my road bike.

I've spent three years working on this now with doctors. They advised me to see a chiropractor before considering back or neck surgery. I'm glad I did that. The pain has gone down quite a bit and my x-rays of my back look at lot better.

I also made some drastic changes to my diet last year. I'm following an anti-inflammation diet (spinach, berries, nuts, etc...). I also cut out white flour products and now bake my own pizza dough and foods for me to eat. Yeah, I bake. Crazy.

I've also cut back dramatically on my drinking starting in January. I've gone 7 days without a drink and then I bought a bottle of whiskey and went on a work trip with free alcohol (pretty common). So, I went a week drinking. As I write this, I'm on day 3 of not drinking again. I like the non-drinking Tim a lot better than the drinking Tim to be honest. I also think my work was suffering (hangovers and what not) since my alcohol tolerance level get so high. I do enjoy drinking whiskey (gave up beer last summer), but I need to reset my alcohol tolerance back down.

Recently, I've been thinking about my workouts. Non-drinking Tim has more energy and sleeps better, so I've been doing more. Yesterday, for example, I got to the YMCA in the early morning and did the elliptical 30 min work out, lifted weights. I came home and had a protein shake Jill's husband showed me how to make with spinach and berries. Then, I went for a 2.5 mile walk. I ate ok the rest of the day with apps for the football games.

That fitness day above is what I'm hoping to duplicate. It is a softer version of the 75 hard workout going around. I'm going to be 47 this year, so I'm taking my time getting back into better shape. I don't recover like I did in my 20s!

Just wanted to share in case you thinking of doing something I am doing. It is a process and I'm sure I'll screw up here or there, but I'm committed to not worrying about whether my shirts or jeans will fit. :)

This picture is my neck. The red line is where it was at and the green line is where it is supposed to be. The best we can figure is I got in a light accident in my 20s and never got it checked by the doctor. Back then chiros were quacks and you didn't go to the doctor unless you were dying. Such terrible advice looking back on it.View attachment 116
Tim. I turned 52 back in Jan and for several years my Orthopaedic has said i have the body of a 100 year old shoulders back and knees. from years of playing football, being a police officer for 12 years leading into hauling cars staring with a chain truck and thats hard work. stopped playing football after 25 years back in my late 30's. i was 6'5 and 260 when i turned 40. back in july of 23 i was unloading tires at the job im in now Averitt Express only had 418 truck and car tires that i had to touch all of them and roll them out the back of the trailer just 12,000 lbs. well neadless to say i reached back and felt a knife go up into my right shoulder blade. i was done couldnt breath and was rushed to the ER. followed up with the neck and back surgeon who has done a massive amout of test bottom line is this 4 disk in my neck are messed up with massive bone spurs. but the kicker was i had no strength in my right arm, couldnt pick up a cup of water. the C7 nerve canal was closing on both sides. just like the picture you have now. i had a nerve block done on my right arm and got all my strength back so now next month on the 15 of march she is going to go in and fix the problem on both sides. this dr is great she is a NO BS dr and i love that im now 302 lbs cause i couldnt do much.

so here is the kicker i started to do YOGA i found the DDP YOGA and im on week 6. im down to 295 and have no more pain in my lower back and my neck is still messed up but i can move it better than before and my strength is back up and im feeling a ton better. i never thought i would do yoga but im here to tell you and everyone else this program is great and im excited to see where its going to take me the rest of the year. when i told my surgeon i was doing yoga she was excited and said she wished more men would do it. i would incourage you to look into it and see if its right for you . im not a spokes person just a guy with a lot of body problems and this is helping big time

i started on the back building program its 8 weeks so just 2 more to go and i can start a new program with DDP YOGA

good luck and keep pushing forward
Tim. I turned 52 back in Jan and for several years my Orthopaedic has said i have the body of a 100 year old shoulders back and knees. from years of playing football, being a police officer for 12 years leading into hauling cars staring with a chain truck and thats hard work. stopped playing football after 25 years back in my late 30's. i was 6'5 and 260 when i turned 40. back in july of 23 i was unloading tires at the job im in now Averitt Express only had 418 truck and car tires that i had to touch all of them and roll them out the back of the trailer just 12,000 lbs. well neadless to say i reached back and felt a knife go up into my right shoulder blade. i was done couldnt breath and was rushed to the ER. followed up with the neck and back surgeon who has done a massive amout of test bottom line is this 4 disk in my neck are messed up with massive bone spurs. but the kicker was i had no strength in my right arm, couldnt pick up a cup of water. the C7 nerve canal was closing on both sides. just like the picture you have now. i had a nerve block done on my right arm and got all my strength back so now next month on the 15 of march she is going to go in and fix the problem on both sides. this dr is great she is a NO BS dr and i love that im now 302 lbs cause i couldnt do much.

so here is the kicker i started to do YOGA i found the DDP YOGA and im on week 6. im down to 295 and have no more pain in my lower back and my neck is still messed up but i can move it better than before and my strength is back up and im feeling a ton better. i never thought i would do yoga but im here to tell you and everyone else this program is great and im excited to see where its going to take me the rest of the year. when i told my surgeon i was doing yoga she was excited and said she wished more men would do it. i would incourage you to look into it and see if its right for you . im not a spokes person just a guy with a lot of body problems and this is helping big time

i started on the back building program its 8 weeks so just 2 more to go and i can start a new program with DDP YOGA

good luck and keep pushing forward
DDP Yoga is pretty good. I was watching the video series and I do Yoga from time to time. I'm just not as consistent as I need to be.

My new thing is walking. I try to get in 10k steps a day.

The last 2 days we have walked 9 holes pushing our golf bag. Last night, I was in some serious nerve pain as a result. I'm going to rethink doing that two days in a row.

Really it comes down to my drinking. The rest of my diet is pretty solid. I stop for a days, drink for a few days and then stop again. It is going to be an ongoing battle unfortunately.
DDP Yoga is pretty good. I was watching the video series and I do Yoga from time to time. I'm just not as consistent as I need to be.

My new thing is walking. I try to get in 10k steps a day.

The last 2 days we have walked 9 holes pushing our golf bag. Last night, I was in some serious nerve pain as a result. I'm going to rethink doing that two days in a row.

Really it comes down to my drinking. The rest of my diet is pretty solid. I stop for a days, drink for a few days and then stop again. It is going to be an ongoing battle unfortunately.
that was always my problem too start something and not finish thats why my word for the year is finish. i have a bad knee also so walking has been hurting. just had the 3 jell shots in the knee and i am seeing a little difference. im a big bike rider and would do about 80 miles a week when i was working and now that im hurt and sitting at home dont ride that much cause of the pain in the arms and neck its getting better. your right the drinking is a big factor in how we feel im a Jack or nothing kind of guy and i have cut back a lot too and i find it helps too im loving the yoga now and i have to stick with it cause well my word for the year is finish
that was always my problem too start something and not finish thats why my word for the year is finish. i have a bad knee also so walking has been hurting. just had the 3 jell shots in the knee and i am seeing a little difference. im a big bike rider and would do about 80 miles a week when i was working and now that im hurt and sitting at home dont ride that much cause of the pain in the arms and neck its getting better. your right the drinking is a big factor in how we feel im a Jack or nothing kind of guy and i have cut back a lot too and i find it helps too im loving the yoga now and i have to stick with it cause well my word for the year is finish
I’ve done two different 100 mile bike rides and I used to ride a lot until never pain. I’m feeling better and I’m hoping to ride again this summer. Such a great workout!

Here’s my new favorite thing. It’s a spinach, mixed berry, protein powder mixed with ice and water. Tasty and full of anti-inflammatory foods.
