Fitness journey

I’ve done two different 100 mile bike rides and I used to ride a lot until never pain. I’m feeling better and I’m hoping to ride again this summer. Such a great workout!

Here’s my new favorite thing. It’s a spinach, mixed berry, protein powder mixed with ice and water. Tasty and full of anti-inflammatory foods.

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i did that meal replacement drinks years ago and lot a lot of weight it was ViSalus and tasted great but the owners sold the company and the product is not the same. im on a low sodium diet and that is helping alot also.
I am honestly curious about the drink. Can you taste the spinach?
Not one bit. I put a half cup of water, cup of protein powder, a handful of spinach, about a 1/3 to 1/2 cup frozen berries then a few ice cubes. Then blend. My blender has an actual smoothie setting which makes it really easy.

Pretty filling too. Jill’s husband adds almond butter and that tastes good as well. I just simplified mine.
I woke up pretty pissed off at myself this morning, so I poured out all the whiskey I bought on Sunday. I wasn't feeling good that day and I know whiskey helps with that, so I bought some. However, the all-day headache from drinking it just isn't worth it.

Last night, I saw myself on camera having a sip during the Livestream. TBH, I didn't like what I saw and I don't want my kids to see that either. I had been ok with it and now I'm just not anymore.

Finally, it feels like I'm failing myself, my family and this community. I hate failing. Hate it worse than I love succeeding. My plan is to keep alcohol out of the house and not drink. I'm a big fan of not drinking Tim vs drinking Tim these days.

Tim, stay strong, and lean on us as well as family when needed. I'd been sober for a bit over 20 years, a decision I made after crossing a line in my youth that should never have been crossed. A bit latter in life I told myself your older now and won't make the same stupid choices. Started drinking again, and while I didn't cross the line again, I quickly found, as you are now, that I didn't really like going down that road, so stopped again. Best of luck to you, and know your not alone.
I woke up pretty pissed off at myself this morning, so I poured out all the whiskey I bought on Sunday. I wasn't feeling good that day and I know whiskey helps with that, so I bought some. However, the all-day headache from drinking it just isn't worth it.

Last night, I saw myself on camera having a sip during the Livestream. TBH, I didn't like what I saw and I don't want my kids to see that either. I had been ok with it and now I'm just not anymore.

Finally, it feels like I'm failing myself, my family and this community. I hate failing. Hate it worse than I love succeeding. My plan is to keep alcohol out of the house and not drink. I'm a big fan of not drinking Tim vs drinking Tim these days.

Thinking you have a problem and actually doing something about it is extremely courageous. I respect you sir, carry on.
Thought I saw you drinking last night on the live stream and I was going to say something but I thought maybe it was just a Coke or something. Keeping it out of the house is a good idea for sure. If you want your audience to bust your Huevos if you’re drinking let us know. 🤔
We could use a code word only us forum members would understand. Maybe Huevos. Like in the comments, "Tim, no huevos this evening right?"
Tim they say it takes 90 days to make a solid change in life. i know you can do it cause taking the first step is always the hardest. this is something that you can finish. keep your head up and push through. if you need help im sure you have a great support chain on this forum and around you . you can do it .