The truth about 2024 Tacoma transmissions failing

It'll be interesting to hear what you think. It struck me as just an off the cuff comment to describe what he heard was the issue/resolution. And SG is SG because of their smart-assery. Well, maybe just Mark's smart-assery. If you haven't seen it their review of the Hyundai Ioniq is worth watching whether you care about the car or not.
So, I watched that segment twice.

First, I think it wasn't his place to discuss why TFL broke it and share the details from Sheldon. I've spoken to Toyota about it myself and I'm not sharing my information. It isn't my place.

I can understand why he brought it up, it is the proverbial Elephant in the room. He also explained it in a factual way with a good presentation of the information. I've just found those kinds of things always back fire on you.

For instance, the commenters are saying Mark said: "Had to further idiot proof the truck b/c of TFL."

That's not his exact quote at all. And the term "idiot proof" is slang used throughout the industry.

Second, Toyota addressed the issue and made changes. Problem solved. I think Mark would want to take back his words with the reaction from the audience.

He could have said something like "Toyota responded quickly to the issue TFL had by updating the software."

That's really what Toyota ultimately did. They investigated the issue, figured out how it happened and updated the software for those kinds of situations.

Again, the term "idiot proof" is being taken as an attack on TFL and it really isn't what he is saying.

Third, I did watch TFL's video on it. My take away was a combination of things happened that lead to the issue and I think the internet blew it out of proportion. The truck slipped, Roman panicked for a split second (as most any human would do put under stress at that moment) and a part failed. I think what people miss is the truck still drove back to the office. It didn't "fail." It didn't need to be towed out. It just had a malfunction really that turned out to be software.

The ADD part isn't "the weak link" as people have suggested to me. They have used that part for years now.

The only thing I would have done differently is I wouldn't have released that video right away. Instead, I would have called Toyota and talked about it. They could have sent Sheldon or another engineer out and discussed it. Would it have gotten as many clicks? Probably not.

For example. this video I did on my 2022 Tundra got 173k views. I explained what happened and discussed the resolution to the problem:

I probably made a mistake with that video. I should have released it and said, "my truck broke in 6 days!" That's just not how I want to do business.

Now, it is easy to use hindsight and I've certainly rushed a video out here or there. I've learned and continue to learn from my mistakes.

TFL did do a follow-up video afterwards showing the same spot where the part broke. And? That didn't get nearly the views.

I'm further committed to my thinking that people want to see things fail right now. They want to see trucks fail, people fail or companies fail to solidify their viewpoint. They don't necessarily care about facts. They want to see something that matches their negative viewpoint.

So, I watched that segment twice.

First, I think it wasn't his place to discuss why TFL broke it and share the details from Sheldon. I've spoken to Toyota about it myself and I'm not sharing my information. It isn't my place.

I can understand why he brought it up, it is the proverbial Elephant in the room. He also explained it in a factual way with a good presentation of the information. I've just found those kinds of things always back fire on you.

For instance, the commenters are saying Mark said: "Had to further idiot proof the truck b/c of TFL."

That's not his exact quote at all. And the term "idiot proof" is slang used throughout the industry.

Second, Toyota addressed the issue and made changes. Problem solved. I think Mark would want to take back his words with the reaction from the audience.

He could have said something like "Toyota responded quickly to the issue TFL had by updating the software."

That's really what Toyota ultimately did. They investigated the issue, figured out how it happened and updated the software for those kinds of situations.

Again, the term "idiot proof" is being taken as an attack on TFL and it really isn't what he is saying.

Third, I did watch TFL's video on it. My take away was a combination of things happened that lead to the issue and I think the internet blew it out of proportion. The truck slipped, Roman panicked for a split second (as most any human would do put under stress at that moment) and a part failed. I think what people miss is the truck still drove back to the office. It didn't "fail." It didn't need to be towed out. It just had a malfunction really that turned out to be software.

The ADD part isn't "the weak link" as people have suggested to me. They have used that part for years now.

The only thing I would have done differently is I wouldn't have released that video right away. Instead, I would have called Toyota and talked about it. They could have sent Sheldon or another engineer out and discussed it. Would it have gotten as many clicks? Probably not.

For example. this video I did on my 2022 Tundra got 173k views. I explained what happened and discussed the resolution to the problem:

I probably made a mistake with that video. I should have released it and said, "my truck broke in 6 days!" That's just not how I want to do business.

Now, it is easy to use hindsight and I've certainly rushed a video out here or there. I've learned and continue to learn from my mistakes.

TFL did do a follow-up video afterwards showing the same spot where the part broke. And? That didn't get nearly the views.

I'm further committed to my thinking that people want to see things fail right now. They want to see trucks fail, people fail or companies fail to solidify their viewpoint. They don't necessarily care about facts. They want to see something that matches their negative viewpoint.

I must be out of the loop. I don't even know who SG is.
So, I watched that segment twice.

First, I think it wasn't his place to discuss why TFL broke it and share the details from Sheldon. I've spoken to Toyota about it myself and I'm not sharing my information. It isn't my place.

I can understand why he brought it up, it is the proverbial Elephant in the room. He also explained it in a factual way with a good presentation of the information. I've just found those kinds of things always back fire on you.

For instance, the commenters are saying Mark said: "Had to further idiot proof the truck b/c of TFL."

That's not his exact quote at all. And the term "idiot proof" is slang used throughout the industry.

Second, Toyota addressed the issue and made changes. Problem solved. I think Mark would want to take back his words with the reaction from the audience.

He could have said something like "Toyota responded quickly to the issue TFL had by updating the software."

That's really what Toyota ultimately did. They investigated the issue, figured out how it happened and updated the software for those kinds of situations.

Again, the term "idiot proof" is being taken as an attack on TFL and it really isn't what he is saying.

Third, I did watch TFL's video on it. My take away was a combination of things happened that lead to the issue and I think the internet blew it out of proportion. The truck slipped, Roman panicked for a split second (as most any human would do put under stress at that moment) and a part failed. I think what people miss is the truck still drove back to the office. It didn't "fail." It didn't need to be towed out. It just had a malfunction really that turned out to be software.

The ADD part isn't "the weak link" as people have suggested to me. They have used that part for years now.

The only thing I would have done differently is I wouldn't have released that video right away. Instead, I would have called Toyota and talked about it. They could have sent Sheldon or another engineer out and discussed it. Would it have gotten as many clicks? Probably not.

For example. this video I did on my 2022 Tundra got 173k views. I explained what happened and discussed the resolution to the problem:

I probably made a mistake with that video. I should have released it and said, "my truck broke in 6 days!" That's just not how I want to do business.

Now, it is easy to use hindsight and I've certainly rushed a video out here or there. I've learned and continue to learn from my mistakes.

TFL did do a follow-up video afterwards showing the same spot where the part broke. And? That didn't get nearly the views.

I'm further committed to my thinking that people want to see things fail right now. They want to see trucks fail, people fail or companies fail to solidify their viewpoint. They don't necessarily care about facts. They want to see something that matches their negative viewpoint.


After watching it, I gotta agree with you. I know it's harder for you but the reason I watch is that you really don't try to take an angle with every story. You just report the facts. Sadly, few media professionals do that anymore. Everyone takes an angle, and I don't necessarily mean a corporate or favoritism angle, they take a self-serving angle.
Tim, just a quick note to say thanks for the article on the website regarding this. (a) Investigating the documented complaints in the context of vehicle production numbers and (b) reaching out to Toyota for comment is a refreshing approach that, sadly, shouldn't be the exception to the norm. I guess it is down to just you and PBS Frontline that still do investigative reporting.
Toyota cannot even fix the window trim on the new generation Tundra for three years now. Makes me think they won’t be fixing anything major in a quick manner either…
Yeah that and the seat panel that keeps cracking is a weird one to me. Nothing is simple these days, but it makes me question their ability to issue a fix to an engine.
He has a video on his channel about a July 8th TSB about manual transmissions in the Tacoma. I tried to link his video, but he has it blocked from being linked on other sites. If someone else has a link to the actual TSB from Toyota, maybe they can link it.
He has a video on his channel about a July 8th TSB about manual transmissions in the Tacoma. I tried to link his video, but he has it blocked from being linked on other sites. If someone else has a link to the actual TSB from Toyota, maybe they can link it.
Post #199 has the info you’re looking for.

Funny, I've seen this three times in just the last 10 minutes. Word spreads fast.

Sheldon did say in TRD Jon's video that it was very early builds and debris was found in the transmission. Interesting it isn't a recall, just a TSB. That means it may or may not happen to every transmission.
Funny, I've seen this three times in just the last 10 minutes. Word spreads fast.

Sheldon did say in TRD Jon's video that it was very early builds and debris was found in the transmission. Interesting it isn't a recall, just a TSB. That means it may or may not happen to every transmission.
More debris? They must have cross linked the beer can recycling plant with the engine transmission factory. 🫢
It's pretty disappointing to see them go with a TSB, personal experience with Toyota Dealerships and TSB isn't great. We, TacomaWorld, use to keep lists of Toyota dealerships that were good to work with when it came to TSB's because many of them were terrible.
It's pretty disappointing to see them go with a TSB, personal experience with Toyota Dealerships and TSB isn't great. We, TacomaWorld, use to keep lists of Toyota dealerships that were good to work with when it came to TSB's because many of them were terrible.
Yup, TSB leaves a lot of interpretation for dealership to deny doing the work.
My truck is on that list as well, I'm taking it in to a dealer, in a different state as I'm traveling right now, next week so we'll see. I will likely see what my dealer says when I get back to Colorado. Assuming the tranny doesn't fail before then...

But I haven't really had any issues either. A couple of times after the truck has sat in the garage for a few days it seemed like it wanted to shift a little harder than normal for the first couple of shifts, but then it was fine. Just drove it 1000 miles back to Wisconsin yesterday and it had no issues at all though.
So I guess circling back to the title of this thread "the truth" is there is a problem, Toyota possibly has found/verified the issue and has issued a TSB. Hopefully it's not very widespread and people won't be affected. Good luck Ben, I advise printing the TSB and presenting it to the dealer when you go in. That seemed to help quite a bit with Toyota TSB's in the past. That was12 years ago, hopefully they've changed how they handle it since then.

This is a good reminder for all manufacturers that although there are lots of issues with various trucks reported they seem to start at the forum level well before NHTSA or a manufacturer is brought into the loop. With any issue I've had with a vehicle I've never even thought about reporting it to the NHTSA. I assume that mentality is somewhat "normal" for people.