The truth about 2024 Tacoma transmissions failing


Staff member
Chicken Little disease is rampant on YouTube these days. There's officially 4 NHTSA complaints with 2 failures out of tens of thousands of 2024 Tacoma models. The supplier is most likely Aisin and they build transmissions for all the brands.

What peeves me off the most about doing these truthful reaction videos are I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. If I do these videos, the research time I put in won't make it worth my time to film it. If I don't do these videos, the immature viewers will think I'm somehow bought and paid for since I didn't cover it.

Your thoughts on this are in line with mine and I appreciate the video. I was going to comment in YouTube but after reading some of the comments I just couldn't - it is a toxic cesspool and a perfect example of why I try to limit my social media consumption.

FYI the source for that clip is
and it is sensationalistic ("Toyota does not want you to see this") with little info. They make it sound like they have had 3 trucks in their shop for MT transmission problems but eventually explain in the comments that they are showing one of three "known" cases out of all the MTs sold. Not sure where they are getting their tally from. They also clarify that they don't know what the actual issue is because Toyota is taking the trans for inspection.

The comments that crack me up the most on your video were the ones trying to tag you, who put out a video on why the new Tacoma was not the truck for you, as a Toyota fanboy.

FWIW I am a Toyota fanboy with 3 in the stable (2 of them trucks, an 87 and 24 Tacoma). Not that I haven't seen the forum reports of a couple of MTs having issues but my MT Tacoma has about 1,700 miles on it so far and the transmission just keeps getting smoother the more I drive it. Guess I'll change my tune if it goes out....

Keep up the good work.
Your thoughts on this are in line with mine and I appreciate the video. I was going to comment in YouTube but after reading some of the comments I just couldn't - it is a toxic cesspool and a perfect example of why I try to limit my social media consumption.

FYI the source for that clip is
and it is sensationalistic ("Toyota does not want you to see this") with little info. They make it sound like they have had 3 trucks in their shop for MT transmission problems but eventually explain in the comments that they are showing one of three "known" cases out of all the MTs sold. Not sure where they are getting their tally from. They also clarify that they don't know what the actual issue is because Toyota is taking the trans for inspection.

The comments that crack me up the most on your video were the ones trying to tag you, who put out a video on why the new Tacoma was not the truck for you, as a Toyota fanboy.

FWIW I am a Toyota fanboy with 3 in the stable (2 of them trucks, an 87 and 24 Tacoma). Not that I haven't seen the forum reports of a couple of MTs having issues but my MT Tacoma has about 1,700 miles on it so far and the transmission just keeps getting smoother the more I drive it. Guess I'll change my tune if it goes out....

Keep up the good work.
I’m thinking of renaming You Tube to “PEW TUBE” because as you say it’s turning into another toxic cesspool which is the reason I dropped all other social media platforms a couple of years ago. I’m just glad I grew up in a time without social media it was a lot more enjoyable.
Your thoughts on this are in line with mine and I appreciate the video. I was going to comment in YouTube but after reading some of the comments I just couldn't - it is a toxic cesspool and a perfect example of why I try to limit my social media consumption.

FYI the source for that clip is
and it is sensationalistic ("Toyota does not want you to see this") with little info. They make it sound like they have had 3 trucks in their shop for MT transmission problems but eventually explain in the comments that they are showing one of three "known" cases out of all the MTs sold. Not sure where they are getting their tally from. They also clarify that they don't know what the actual issue is because Toyota is taking the trans for inspection.

The comments that crack me up the most on your video were the ones trying to tag you, who put out a video on why the new Tacoma was not the truck for you, as a Toyota fanboy.

FWIW I am a Toyota fanboy with 3 in the stable (2 of them trucks, an 87 and 24 Tacoma). Not that I haven't seen the forum reports of a couple of MTs having issues but my MT Tacoma has about 1,700 miles on it so far and the transmission just keeps getting smoother the more I drive it. Guess I'll change my tune if it goes out....

Keep up the good work.
Yeah it’s been an afternoon. Now where did I put that whiskey bottle…
I fell for that click-bait with that one knucklehead you showed, "Thecarguyonline". His videos are nothing but "sky is falling!" style. I guess if he makes nothing but negative videos, eventually one will come true and he can point to that and go "I was right with this one!". But just scanning his channel, he has a rather unhealthy disdain for anything Toyota.

Need him and TRD Jon to get together and do a live debate on the virtues of the Toyota brand. Tim can be the moderator.
I don't think the sky is falling yet., However the problem could be isolated like the Waste Gate Issues, or wind up actually being a big problem like the engine debris issue we don't know yet.

What we do know that the owner is having a bad experience which in turn was the catalyst for the first video being made. Had the customer service been a little better the video may not have been made because the Owner wouldn't have needed to reach out.

The reporting is important to keep eyes on it, as I think Toyota should treat is as they did with TFL's truck and the ADD issue. So far that issue doesn't seem to be too widespread, but they still put a lot of people on it internally and TFL didn't have to wait months and month for a new Diff to be shipped.

Pie in the sky thinking suggests that they could halt building an allocated truck by a few weeks to use those parts to replace the owners failed part.
I looked into the Root cause of the TFL issue with the diff, I guess it was something with they used the wrong MTS mode causing the truck to apply too much toque. They fixed the software to be more user proof and now its not an issue for new owners.

The point being here because TFL had the issue it was addressed right away as if it was a major issue.

However if TFL didn't make this mistake it may have took many more average owners blowing up the diff to get the issue identified and fixed.

Just because an issue isn't wide spread doesn't mean don't address it.
The reporting is important to keep eyes on it, as I think Toyota should treat is as they did with TFL's truck and the ADD issue. So far that issue doesn't seem to be too widespread, but they still put a lot of people on it internally and TFL didn't have to wait months and month for a new Diff to be shipped.
I looked into the Root cause of the TFL issue with the diff, I guess it was something with they used the wrong MTS mode causing the truck to apply too much toque. They fixed the software to be more user proof and now its not an issue for new owners.

The point being here because TFL had the issue it was addressed right away as if it was a major issue.

However if TFL didn't make this mistake it may have took many more average owners blowing up the diff to get the issue identified and fixed.

Just because an issue isn't wide spread doesn't mean don't address it.
Reminds me of my door latch issue with the Tundra. They saw it, thought it was weird, sent engineers up and changed the design so it doesn’t happen again.
I looked into the Root cause of the TFL issue with the diff, I guess it was something with they used the wrong MTS mode causing the truck to apply too much toque. They fixed the software to be more user proof and now its not an issue for new owners.

The point being here because TFL had the issue it was addressed right away as if it was a major issue.

However if TFL didn't make this mistake it may have took many more average owners blowing up the diff to get the issue identified and fixed.

Just because an issue isn't wide spread doesn't mean don't address it.
I don't know. I'm betting Toyota is watching every one of these complaints for the same reason as TFLs. They want to know as soon as possible if they have a bigger problem. Sure, you can say TFL got special treatment, but I would really expect that. Why wouldn't they?
Yeah I think everyone missed with the TFL issue:

1) Their dealer handled every thing by the book
2) The warranty issues were cleared right away, however the avg owner wont be filming every detail around their failure so its not so much being TFL rather just filming everything.
3) When the dealer handed the case over to TAS, Toyota directed the dealer to fix the problem in what I see was the fastest way to get the vehicle on the road, this is how all the cases should be handled. The fact there wasn't any delays on the parts is probably the only real special treatment TFL received. The avg user would have had to wait for Toyota TAS to clear the repair. Then maybe field tech would have to travel out to the site and help and/or the dealer would have been directed to tear down the diff and only replace the failed part. The parts would have been on backorder, the repair would have extra risk that the tech didn't rebuild the diff properly.
Yep, I'm sure TFL received very speedy service. But honestly, if I were a manager in Toyota, I would have directed the same thing.
It seems that Toyota tested the Tundra and Tacoma on glass smooth proving grounds roads and people who weigh about 90 pounds for interior durability.
Tim, not sure if it will make you feel better or just eliminate any remaining faith you may have in humanity, but SG just put out a new Tacoma video and the comments are so numerous and inflammatory (with anecdotal reports of transmissions failing all over the place) that I'm wondering if someone has hired a Russian bot farm. If you don't laugh (while drinking that whiskey) it'll make you cry. I'm going out to the garage now to make sure my truck hasn't fallen apart just sitting there.
Tim, not sure if it will make you feel better or just eliminate any remaining faith you may have in humanity, but SG just put out a new Tacoma video and the comments are so numerous and inflammatory (with anecdotal reports of transmissions failing all over the place) that I'm wondering if someone has hired a Russian bot farm. If you don't laugh (while drinking that whiskey) it'll make you cry. I'm going out to the garage now to make sure my truck hasn't fallen apart just sitting there.
Hmmm. Over the air truck self destruct sequence initiated. 🤔
Crap. I forgot about that feature. But I thought that wouldn't kick in until the warranty period was up, after they were done selling my driving info to 3rd parties. ;)
Chicken Little disease is rampant on YouTube these days. There's officially 4 NHTSA complaints with 2 failures out of tens of thousands of 2024 Tacoma models. The supplier is most likely Aisin and they build transmissions for all the brands.

What peeves me off the most about doing these truthful reaction videos are I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. If I do these videos, the research time I put in won't make it worth my time to film it. If I don't do these videos, the immature viewers will think I'm somehow bought and paid for since I didn't cover it.

Tim, if you ever do become bought and paid for, let me know how you did it. I could use the money and I don’t give a crap what people think about me. 🤣
Tim, not sure if it will make you feel better or just eliminate any remaining faith you may have in humanity, but SG just put out a new Tacoma video and the comments are so numerous and inflammatory (with anecdotal reports of transmissions failing all over the place) that I'm wondering if someone has hired a Russian bot farm. If you don't laugh (while drinking that whiskey) it'll make you cry. I'm going out to the garage now to make sure my truck hasn't fallen apart just sitting there.
I’ll have to watch that in the morning. I’ll be honest, I don’t watch SG that often, but I scrolled through the comments. Lots of people talking about how Jack called out TFL. I’ll need to catch up on that comment.
It'll be interesting to hear what you think. It struck me as just an off the cuff comment to describe what he heard was the issue/resolution. And SG is SG because of their smart-assery. Well, maybe just Mark's smart-assery. If you haven't seen it their review of the Hyundai Ioniq is worth watching whether you care about the car or not.