What other YouTube channels are you subscribed to?

Reviews and other stuff:

Car Dujour by Jill
TFL truck and classic
Sarah N Tuned - love her builds
HPI Guys workshop - Model car builds!
Trout and Coffee - relaxing cabin and travel vlog
Hannah Lee Dugan - Interactive vlogs where I yell incessantly at the risks she takes while building things. (Majorly impressed with her willingness to try things she's never done.)

Those are my subscriptions. Others I watch are:

The Left Pedal
Tavarish when doing the challenges
Various old truck reviews and some restorations
Trek Culture
Brain Blaze
Ally the piper
Brain Blaze - Love all of Simons stuff
Project Farm
Ozzy Man (comedy)
Hunting Public
National Deer Association
Dirt Trax
Dirt Obsexxion
Engineering Explained
Sam the Cooking Guy
Truck Kings

Hey Tim, speaking of, did you see Heavy D Sparks bought the Nikola Badger and plans on bring them to market? Interesting truck news.
Here’s a few of the other channels i watch

watch wes work

south main auto

born a goon

vice grip garage

pine hollow auto diagnostics

doug demuro
-Project Farm
-The Late Late Horror Show. Don't let the name fool you. It's a nightly stream of old radio shows from the 40s - 70s. ...like westerns, comedy, detective shows, mystery and suspense shows.
-Automotive Press
-The Car Care Nut
-Toyota Maintenance. Peter does a great job with his videos.
-Air Safety Institute
-Truck King
-Easy French
-My Private Paris
-Easy German
-Easy Italian
-Learn Italian with Lucrezia
-Japan by Food
-Lingopie. (I love to travel)
-Pilot Debrief
-Wolters World
-Kermit Weeks Channel. He has a bunch of old warbirds. I love those old planes.
-Traveling Rober
-PUNK EYE RECORDS. Out of print new wave and goth records from the 80s
-Sayaka Shoji
-Eyes on Cinema
-Project Farm
-The Late Late Horror Show. Don't let the name fool you. It's a nightly stream of old radio shows from the 40s - 70s. ...like westerns, comedy, detective shows, mystery and suspense shows.
-Automotive Press
-The Car Care Nut
-Toyota Maintenance. Peter does a great job with his videos.
-Air Safety Institute
-Truck King
-Easy French
-My Private Paris
-Easy German
-Easy Italian
-Learn Italian with Lucrezia
-Japan by Food
-Lingopie. (I love to travel)
-Pilot Debrief
-Wolters World
-Kermit Weeks Channel. He has a bunch of old warbirds. I love those old planes.
-Traveling Rober
-PUNK EYE RECORDS. Out of print new wave and goth records from the 80s
-Sayaka Shoji
-Eyes on Cinema
See bolded channel. You realize David and Tim are headed to the Octagon to settle the feud David keeps perpetuating, right?

Tim be like "Engineer This" with a roundhouse to end David's night.

You listening Dana White?
See bolded channel. You realize David and Tim are headed to the Octagon to settle the feud David keeps perpetuating, right?

Tim be like "Engineer This" with a roundhouse to end David's night.

You listening Dana White?
LOL. Nope. I have no beef with David although he seems to have one with me.
Mainly automotive, guns, farming, science, and investment channels. Matt Risinger also has a good channel if you are thinking of building a good, efficient house. Abom79 and AvE have pretty good channels if you're interested in machinist work and tools.
I would assume if you're here you are subscribed to Pickup Truck Plus Suv, so, that's a given. I'm curious what some of you are watching besides Tim for content.

Here's my list: (No specific order but MeatEater is BY FAR #1 and I don't hunt...always wanted to)

TFL (Truck and Off-Road) - My first introduction to truck review YouTube. They're at their best when they have 3-4 vehicles at the same time and take them on a trip for comparison reviews.

Vice Grip Garage (Derek Bieri) - Made a name for him self doing 1-2 hour long barn find restorations on older vehicles. Not restorations really but getting them back on the road. Great guy that's easy to listen to. One of the funnier dudes I watch. The best by the ear mechanic I've ever seen.

Truck King (Howard and Stephen Elmer) - Father son Combo, son (Stephen) was on TFL as a guest for a while and now does his own thing. Similar to TFL Off road but they have property set up in a way that actually compares like vehicle performance off road. Truck focused.

Driving Sports TV (Ryan Douthit) - Great hands on review content. Plus, he's in my neck of the woods the PNW so I relate to his content and recognize where he is doing most of his testing. Good solid breakdowns of the vehicles. All types of vehicles.

Meateater (Steven Rinella) - Favortie channel by far. Hunting, Convservation, History... all things hunting/fishing with a nod towards biology and education.

Tinkerer's Garage - Engineer who is an overlander and mostly Toyota based. Hands down the best content on technical aspects of various off road issues. Sway bars, wheel travel etc. Doesn't make a TON of videos but when he does they're extremely informational.

Dons Life - Introduced to him as an AT4 owner who's specialty is modifying his vehicles and walking you through the process. Currently has a GMC AT4, Chevy Corvetter and Cadillac Escalade. Will probably be unsubscribing soon to make room for Texas Trucks. Nothing against him I'm just done with my truck and don't plan on doing any more mods to it. You don't have to have one of his vehicles to watch, his guides go over a ton of stuff applicable to any vehicle.

Soon to be possibly subscribed to:
The Getty Adventures - Reviews trucks from the perspective of a heavy duty diesel mechanic and towing review videos. I really like his insights but I'm not 100% sold yet. Definitely RAM heavy and a little biased.

Texas Trucks - New guys I've been watching and then recently saw them on PT+. Seem to do a good job and I REALLY appreciate the back and forth and differening opinions. I think that's why I liked TFL so much early on, two people allow for more opinions and calling bullshit when needed.

I'm picky and don't subscribe to a ton but watch all of their content pretty religously.
List is mostly the same still but I no longer subscribe to Don's life though I do occasionally watch his videos. I never did subscribe to Texas Trucks they've become almost unwatchable for me for similar reason of why I can't stomach TRD John.

Any new or different channels you guys are watching?
No new YouTube channels but I listen to the Truck Show podcast on a regular basis. One of the host used to be with MotorTrend and the other works for Banks. Mostly just two guys BS'n about trucks but they've done some really informative interviews with reps from Bilstein and EGR, as well as the author of The Mysterious Death of Rudolph Diesel, which if your looking for a new book is a super interesting read.
No new YouTube channels but I listen to the Truck Show podcast on a regular basis. One of the host used to be with MotorTrend and the other works for Banks. Mostly just two guys BS'n about trucks but they've done some really informative interviews with reps from Bilstein and EGR, as well as the author of The Mysterious Death of Rudolph Diesel, which if your looking for a new book is a super interesting read.
Holman and Lightning. I’ve known Holman for years.
Subsribed to over 200 youtube channels lol. I'm watching all of the major ones listed above and others like ctech review, everyday driver, SUV Battle, Sam carlegion, PRN_Test drive, Paul Sikkema (snowblower), Outdoor Auto, Just Rolled in and one of my favorite channels, HowtoBBQRight.
Can't spend that much time watching YT. Wastes too much of my day. I have some favs I'll go through in the morning but nothing new. I seem to hit a bunch about the same topic then don't bother with it anymore. There is just too much similar content and lots of crap just repeating what someone else or some other news already broke the story on.
This is an interesting thread. There is only so much time I spend watching

I agree with the earlier comment that Jill brings a lot of value to your channel. Her insights and opinions on new vehicles give us a different viewpoint.

I watch a few different automotive channels and have subscribed to some of them but not all. I find some channels I watch for a period of time then I reach my saturation point.
I am from Canada so you will see some Canadian channels included here.
TFL Truck (although I find I am watching less TFL due to some of the content seeming to be just headline seeking without a balanced view).
Throttle house (a couple of Canadian guys doing a top gear style of content
Engineering explained-I like his explanations in his vids including his vid on the new thin oil types.
Truck King (some good truck testing)
Motormouth (more of a car and SUV focused review channel from Canada).
Edmunds Cars- some good truck content
All terrain nation-just getting into it… don’t watch every video
The straight pipes - general test drive channel from Canada

Other channels I watch occasionally
Autotrader UK
Life by the bow (for you fishermen out there)
I just started watching tyrereviews for obvious reasons.

I used to watch Auto Expert with John Cadogan in Australia but the commercials and tone eventually gave me viewer fatigue even though he is pretty funny
I recently unsubscribed to Ben Hardy cars. It was a good Quick Look at different vehicles but he has fallen into the trap of click bait titles too much. Too many “the sky is falling” videos.

I’m probably forgetting a few.
This is an interesting thread. There is only so much time I spend watching

I agree with the earlier comment that Jill brings a lot of value to your channel. Her insights and opinions on new vehicles give us a different viewpoint.

I watch a few different automotive channels and have subscribed to some of them but not all. I find some channels I watch for a period of time then I reach my saturation point.
I am from Canada so you will see some Canadian channels included here.
TFL Truck (although I find I am watching less TFL due to some of the content seeming to be just headline seeking without a balanced view).
Throttle house (a couple of Canadian guys doing a top gear style of content
Engineering explained-I like his explanations in his vids including his vid on the new thin oil types.
Truck King (some good truck testing)
Motormouth (more of a car and SUV focused review channel from Canada).
Edmunds Cars- some good truck content
All terrain nation-just getting into it… don’t watch every video
The straight pipes - general test drive channel from Canada

Other channels I watch occasionally
Autotrader UK
Life by the bow (for you fishermen out there)
I just started watching tyrereviews for obvious reasons.

I used to watch Auto Expert with John Cadogan in Australia but the commercials and tone eventually gave me viewer fatigue even though he is pretty funny
I recently unsubscribed to Ben Hardy cars. It was a good Quick Look at different vehicles but he has fallen into the trap of click bait titles too much. Too many “the sky is falling” videos.

I’m probably forgetting a few.
Also a fan of Engineering Explained. I'd suggest Driving 4 Answers as well.