Speed limiters mandated in EU produced cars

It'll come here sooner or later. Maybe not mandated but some models already have them. I know my '20 Ram had one you could engage to give you a verbal warning when you exceeded the speed limit. And you could adjust how far over the limit it came on. Granted, it could be turned off completely, but I liked it because it warned me when I hit a low mph zone and didn't realize it. Some small towns I drive through run speed-traps by dropping from 55 to 35 real quick like.
Agreed, I also know most vehicles already top out at a max speed that is electronically limited for the setup. GM trucks are 98 or slightly above depending on the tires you get from factory. They also know the speed limit of most of the roads you're traveling on, so it's just connecting those systems which are already probably connected. As we saw with the Toyota Corolla mess they have all the data they need to make a report. I bet it's already possible for them to do it.
It'll come here sooner or later. Maybe not mandated but some models already have them. I know my '20 Ram had one you could engage to give you a verbal warning when you exceeded the speed limit. And you could adjust how far over the limit it came on. Granted, it could be turned off completely, but I liked it because it warned me when I hit a low mph zone and didn't realize it. Some small towns I drive through run speed-traps by dropping from 55 to 35 real quick like.
My 2023 GMC SIERRA displays the current posted speed limit in the DIC. You can choose whether you want to be warned that you’re exceedingly the speed limit or you can turn it off. Your choice. I once got a speeding ticket in podunck Texas not knowing the posted speed limit in the middle of nowhere.
I wondered way back when speed limiters were put in semi trucks in Ontario when they would be added to passenger cars. It will probably happen eventually. A shame if it happens. Some overly aggressive drivers spoiling it for everyone else.
My 2023 GMC SIERRA displays the current posted speed limit in the DIC. You can choose whether you want to be warned that you’re exceedingly the speed limit or you can turn it off. Your choice. I once got a speeding ticket in podunck Texas not knowing the posted speed limit in the middle of nowhere.
I loved the fact that I could set it to warn me only if I was 10mph+ over the limit. Just enough to keep me out of trouble but not annoying.