Making things suck more is profitable...including Google search


Active member

I find this video very interesting. I've noticed Youtube and Google search are much worse now than in the past. The heyday of actually being able to find almost anything you want on the internet is gone. I find myself now wanting to re-look at an article or something I've seen in the past, but when I search for it I can't find it with Google. Sometimes Bing, Yahoo, or Duckduckgo will bring it up, but not always. It's a crying shame that something as useful as Google's search algorithm has been ruined. It reminds me of when I found out that light bulb manufacturers intentionally started making bulbs worse so they would fail and need replaced back in the 1920's and 30's. It's like planned obsolescence in the digital world.

The capitalist in me wants to say "screw you" to Google and Youtube for doing this crap, but they are basically monopolies right now. I have started watching people on Rumble if they upload there rather than Youtube just to try and help the competition. Hopefully Twitter will get better with videos and monetization soon so there's even more competition.

I find this video very interesting. I've noticed Youtube and Google search are much worse now than in the past. The heyday of actually being able to find almost anything you want on the internet is gone. I find myself now wanting to re-look at an article or something I've seen in the past, but when I search for it I can't find it with Google. Sometimes Bing, Yahoo, or Duckduckgo will bring it up, but not always. It's a crying shame that something as useful as Google's search algorithm has been ruined. It reminds me of when I found out that light bulb manufacturers intentionally started making bulbs worse so they would fail and need replaced back in the 1920's and 30's. It's like planned obsolescence in the digital world.

The capitalist in me wants to say "screw you" to Google and Youtube for doing this crap, but they are basically monopolies right now. I have started watching people on Rumble if they upload there rather than Youtube just to try and help the competition. Hopefully Twitter will get better with videos and monetization soon so there's even more competition.
I posted a few on Rumble and so far nothing. I think they have gone so far right wing its turning people off it seems like.
The capitalist in me wants to say "screw you" to Google and Youtube for doing this crap, but they are basically monopolies right now. I have started watching people on Rumble if they upload there rather than Youtube just to try and help the competition. Hopefully Twitter will get better with videos and monetization soon so there's even more competition.
Well, Google is exactly following the capitalist model. Money/profits first, everything else is secondary. And it must be because of competition to be #1. But everything also needs to be made to become obsolete so you will buy another one. Which I understand and really don't have a problem with. I get it that it's required for the company to continue to exist. I see the problem is that many have gotten to a point where making good money for an excellent product is no longer enough. It's this drive to make even more money even though it really isn't necessary. Even though Google was damn near printing money, they wanted more.
Something else to add is about YouTube’s push to shorts, skipping over a custom ad, and shopping. Nik Nimmin has a pretty good rant about it.

I was having some meetings with a YouTube provided coach until I figured out it was an all a big push to get me to use the shopping feature. That crosses a big line for me. I see it as YouTube trying to make more money off of me and you by taking another cut.

I’m pretty much on the fence with all of this stuff. Warn is now a 3-month channel sponsor, if they ever send me a video ad to play, and I’m really pleased with that. I like their products and feel like it is a natural fit. We had conversations with Manscaped. Sorry, I can’t talk about shaving my balls and then a truck. That doesn’t make sense.

I probably should do the shopping thing. People ask me all the time for my opinion on various aftermarket products and trust my opinion. I just feel uneasy about it.

Something else to add is about YouTube’s push to shorts, skipping over a custom ad, and shopping. Nik Nimmin has a pretty good rant about it.

I was having some meetings with a YouTube provided coach until I figured out it was an all a big push to get me to use the shopping feature. That crosses a big line for me. I see it as YouTube trying to make more money off of me and you by taking another cut.

I’m pretty much on the fence with all of this stuff. Warn is now a 3-month channel sponsor, if they ever send me a video ad to play, and I’m really pleased with that. I like their products and feel like it is a natural fit. We had conversations with Manscaped. Sorry, I can’t talk about shaving my balls and then a truck. That doesn’t make sense.

I probably should do the shopping thing. People ask me all the time for my opinion on various aftermarket products and trust my opinion. I just feel uneasy about it.

I don't blame you for passing on the crazy manscaped stuff. I've always liked Steve Lehto's approach to sponsors. He only does a sponsorship if he really likes the product and has tried it enough to give an honest review. I can honestly say I have quit regularly watching a few channels that are constantly pushing stupid shit that I know they are only taking for the money. If I think they are dishonest, I lose interest really fast.

I also don't watch any channels for purely brain dead entertainment. I'm always looking for things to learn or hobby related stuff that interests me. I never watch Tiktok and rarely see a short on youtube. Maybe I am an anomaly, or maybe I'm just too old for BS...maybe both.
Something else to add is about YouTube’s push to shorts, skipping over a custom ad, and shopping. Nik Nimmin has a pretty good rant about it.

I was having some meetings with a YouTube provided coach until I figured out it was an all a big push to get me to use the shopping feature. That crosses a big line for me. I see it as YouTube trying to make more money off of me and you by taking another cut.

I’m pretty much on the fence with all of this stuff. Warn is now a 3-month channel sponsor, if they ever send me a video ad to play, and I’m really pleased with that. I like their products and feel like it is a natural fit. We had conversations with Manscaped. Sorry, I can’t talk about shaving my balls and then a truck. That doesn’t make sense.

I probably should do the shopping thing. People ask me all the time for my opinion on various aftermarket products and trust my opinion. I just feel uneasy about it.

You Tube is the last “social media” site that I subscribe to. I dumped all the others 3 or 4 years ago. At that I’m very selective about what YT channels I watch and have flushed a number of them especially when it turns into a political rant. Mostly, as with “Duggydo”, they are hobby related and of course vehicle reviews and vehicle repair. Dude I can’t ever imagine you doing a “manscaping” video that to me would be a complete sellout.
You Tube is the last “social media” site that I subscribe to. I dumped all the others 3 or 4 years ago. At that I’m very selective about what YT channels I watch and have flushed a number of them especially when it turns into a political rant. Mostly, as with “Duggydo”, they are hobby related and of course vehicle reviews and vehicle repair. Dude I can’t ever imagine you doing a “manscaping” video that to me would be a complete sellout.
Sadly, for some, it's the only way to continue their channel. I shrug it off. If you need to do it, do it Tim. I would rather you talk about hair gel than for you to disappear from the internet. Only the viewers will control the results with all of this crap. They'll stop watching or they won't.. It's the same with streaming TV. They all started commercial free but now they all have commercials. Do I hate commercials? Yep. But it is what it is.