Is YouTube oversaturated with automotive content?

A lot of these guys on YT I find are wanna be journalists, or just want to put something on YT for the hell of it, it seems to them the infotainment system is the most important item as they spend more time with the camera on the screen as they push buttons explaining what it does, my preference is drivetrain first, everything else is secondary, you also have to be of age where you've been around for a while, you know whats been around previous gen's, and your paying attention for the new upcoming vehicles, I also find many of these so called reviewers have plagiarized other sites. I have my channels I go to, when checking out someone new channel, I usually know within a minute to keep watching or discard it, there is just a ton of crap out there.
A lot of these guys on YT I find are wanna be journalists, or just want to put something on YT for the hell of it, it seems to them the infotainment system is the most important item as they spend more time with the camera on the screen as they push buttons explaining what it does, my preference is drivetrain first, everything else is secondary, you also have to be of age where you've been around for a while, you know whats been around previous gen's, and your paying attention for the new upcoming vehicles, I also find many of these so called reviewers have plagiarized other sites. I have my channels I go to, when checking out someone new channel, I usually know within a minute to keep watching or discard it, there is just a ton of crap out there.
I agree I’ll watch a lot of CH but as sooon as they get the HP wrong in the first 2 minutes I stop watching. Unless they try and remember and then throw up the correct HP as they are talking like Tim does from time to time. Lot of want to be’s on YouTube
I agree I’ll watch a lot of CH but as sooon as they get the HP wrong in the first 2 minutes I stop watching. Unless they try and remember and then throw up the correct HP as they are talking like Tim does from time to time. Lot of want to be’s on YouTube
When a YT video starts with a guy standing there, and the first thing that comes out of hi mouth is "waass up youtube", Im out of there.
Same. Darn kids. LOL
This is the way I look at it, your title has match the content, when you (Tim) put up a video, its properly titled, you start a video and usually tell people who you are and what your going to talk about, and if its something specific that has to be addressed, you break it down to what the video is about, you usually do it within 30 seconds, sometime more, sometimes less, and I have a full scope on whats going on. the wassup guys have borrowed their friends vehicle for a couple of hours and try to make a video on something they have no clue on, and YT is full of these guys, Im in the market for a new PU, and yes I want a luxury trim, thats just the way it is and its my money, I love the faces of my kids when they see their inheritance eroding away, I followed you and a few other people who actually own the LZ0 Duramax, and I want one, amongst that during my research Ive drven an LZ0, Ive talked to actual owners in my area, Ive gotten the pro's and con's, and now Ive pretty well settled on what I want, but Im currently playing the price game, overstock should mean cheaper prices, if not I'll wait and play.
This is the way I look at it, your title has match the content, when you (Tim) put up a video, its properly titled, you start a video and usually tell people who you are and what your going to talk about, and if its something specific that has to be addressed, you break it down to what the video is about, you usually do it within 30 seconds, sometime more, sometimes less, and I have a full scope on whats going on. the wassup guys have borrowed their friends vehicle for a couple of hours and try to make a video on something they have no clue on, and YT is full of these guys, Im in the market for a new PU, and yes I want a luxury trim, thats just the way it is and its my money, I love the faces of my kids when they see their inheritance eroding away, I followed you and a few other people who actually own the LZ0 Duramax, and I want one, amongst that during my research Ive drven an LZ0, Ive talked to actual owners in my area, Ive gotten the pro's and con's, and now Ive pretty well settled on what I want, but Im currently playing the price game, overstock should mean cheaper prices, if not I'll wait and play.
Thanks. You know the real reason why I do the intros that way? It is the old writer trick. It is my outline for the story. I can’t tell you how many times it simply helps me remember what I need to film. It is like, “oh yeah, I said X in the intro. I better remember to film that part!”
Thanks. You know the real reason why I do the intros that way? It is the old writer trick. It is my outline for the story. I can’t tell you how many times it simply helps me remember what I need to film. It is like, “oh yeah, I said X in the intro. I better remember to film that part!”
It's like my old speech instructor used to teach:

Intro - Tell them what you're gonna tell them.
Body - Tell them.
Summary- Tell them what you told them.
There's a lot of content but you will rise to the top if you keep doing what you're doing.
There is a LOT of fluff out there. I see countless videos of self-proclaimed guru's walking around dealership lots and just guffawing at window stickers, or parrotting what other outlets have already said, with very little attempts at journalism.

There are subscriptions that i've cancelled that were very appealing for the first three months and then I realized it was all just 'sky is falling' every day and nothing particularly interesting.
There's a lot of content but you will rise to the top if you keep doing what you're doing.
There is a LOT of fluff out there. I see countless videos of self-proclaimed guru's walking around dealership lots and just guffawing at window stickers, or parrotting what other outlets have already said, with very little attempts at journalism.

There are subscriptions that i've cancelled that were very appealing for the first three months and then I realized it was all just 'sky is falling' every day and nothing particularly interesting.
Thanks. I've started calling those sky is falling types - shock jocks. They are trying to shock you into watching their videos and get you riled up without providing any real information.