Ask the Toyota Engineers, Tim

I really don't see the advantage of "underestimating" that number for Toyota. If someone does overload and break something, you know they'll balk at covering it under warranty. And they'll just get crucified in the press for having low payload. Which we are now observing. Sure, leave a little on the top as I'm sure they all do but don't low-ball it that much. It is like listing the mpg as 15 when it gets 20, nice but the damage is already done. Listing it at 19 but getting 20 is a pleasant surprise.
Just an update - PR has responded they are looking into this again. I think I finally got their attention with an email exchange I had with Sheldon. Sheldon asked me to email him directly. It seems like I’ll finally get a response.
Just wanted to say I loved the video update about the carbon buildup and the interesting reply.
Thanks. I’m taking another shot to the teeth in the comments. Just LOL. I’m so done doing videos on this topic. I legit think this is the last EVER video on this topic. I can’t win.
Thanks. I’m taking another shot to the teeth in the comments. Just LOL. I’m so done doing videos on this topic. I legit think this is the last EVER video on this topic. I can’t win.
There seems to be a lot of “engine experts” out there that have missed there opportunity to work in the industry 🤔. The GM engineers that I worked with would design a part or system then test, test, test; redesign, test, test and redesign until they were completely confident to release it. Those folks who says engines are only designed to just get through the warranty period don’t know what they’re talking about, IMO. Good video, please don’t back away from doing these videos.👍
There seems to be a lot of “engine experts” out there that have missed there opportunity to work in the industry 🤔. The GM engineers that I worked with would design a part or system then test, test, test; redesign, test, test and redesign until they were completely confident to release it. Those folks who says engines are only designed to just get through the warranty period don’t know what they’re talking about, IMO. Good video, please don’t back away from doing these videos.👍
lol...yep. It never ceases to amaze me how fast someone says they engineers don't know shit. Think about it: Sheldon is the Chief Engineer of arguably the most important model of one of the largest auto manufacturers in the world. And some guy who works at a bank who watched a few YT videos knows the real facts and how that new turbo engine will die after 100k miles.
There seems to be a lot of “engine experts” out there that have missed there opportunity to work in the industry 🤔.
I once responded to a forum thread that I trust the judgement of the engineers who designed the engine far more than the collective knowledge of random dudes on Reddit. Shortly after someone responded, “My brother in law, knows a guy, who used to work with those engineers, and can confirm they have no idea what they’re doing.” I thanked him for proving my point about random dude knowledge