Would strictly a truck show/event work at our nudist campground?


New member
Hi everyone and I will say that I am including my wife in our profile because we are partners in our campground business however because she is at her girlfriends wedding, most of the replies will be coming from me tonight.
Secondly, I have marked this with a NSFW, because after being nudists for 30 years we realize that some are offended even by the word "nudist".
We are always looking for interesting events to host at the campground and already have done some car and motorcycle shows.
Our neighbor came down to the campground to help me with a project and we are just sitting on the deck tonight and he suggested that we do a strictly truck event and he thinks it would go over well.
If you don't mind addressing a couple of drunk, naked guys on the patio, feel free to give your thoughts or ask us anything you would like. 19 (2).JPG
It's almost midnight on Monday and my wife got home earlier this afternoon and we are just sitting here having some drinks. I showed her this posting I put up a couple of days ago and she seems to think no one is going to believe it is a real posting unless we prove that it is. Since we are already sitting here naked, and the camera phone is handy she suggested that we snap each other and post up the pics.
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If I ever see anything like that on a forum, email, facebook, etc, I can't help but think it's some scammer trying to build a rapport with the biggest sucker they can find and then get their credit card info somehow.