Worst car reviewer of all time


Staff member
Ok, story time. Back in 2016, there were these two brother's Mark and Jack Baruth that were stirring up trouble amongst the media. Lots of snarky and back-handed comments on a private Facebook page for journalists. I had some spare time and a spine, so I started pushing back. They didn't like that at all. After some back and forth, I blocked them and haven't heard from them in years.

Today, I got a message from a VP overseeing the Truth about Cars website and he wanted to see if I would join the podcast while at the Chicago Auto Show. He's a nice guy, so no naming his name.

I had to remind him about the post below. I said something "are you sure you want me on the podcast after that outlet called me the worst car reviewer of all time?"

I LOL'd out loud writing that.

The rest of the story, like Paul Harvey used to say, is that the article below was like a catapult for my career. The fact is there are many more Baruth haters than fans. People I didn't even know before sent me friend requests and emails. I now know a lot more people and have a lot of great friends because of this post and I also made a lot of money from freelance work from those new friends who graciously accepted my freelance offers.

I stood up to the bully and that made a world of difference. Just thought I'd share.

BTW, the new editor at TTAC is a friend of mine. He says they can't take down the post, I call BS on that, and they leave it up. I Googled it every few years and use it. Best thing that ever happened to me. Oh and that new editor? I was on his short list for truck-related freelance content. Obviously I can't write for you with that post. Or maybe I could. Now that would be hilarious to get a review of mine on his website. Maybe I'll even link to the worst car reviewer post in the article! LOL. Nah.

Ok, story time. Back in 2016, there were these two brother's Mark and Jack Baruth that were stirring up trouble amongst the media. Lots of snarky and back-handed comments on a private Facebook page for journalists. I had some spare time and a spine, so I started pushing back. They didn't like that at all. After some back and forth, I blocked them and haven't heard from them in years.

Today, I got a message from a VP overseeing the Truth about Cars website and he wanted to see if I would join the podcast while at the Chicago Auto Show. He's a nice guy, so no naming his name.

I had to remind him about the post below. I said something "are you sure you want me on the podcast after that outlet called me the worst car reviewer of all time?"

I LOL'd out loud writing that.

The rest of the story, like Paul Harvey used to say, is that the article below was like a catapult for my career. The fact is there are many more Baruth haters than fans. People I didn't even know before sent me friend requests and emails. I now know a lot more people and have a lot of great friends because of this post and I also made a lot of money from freelance work from those new friends who graciously accepted my freelance offers.

I stood up to the bully and that made a world of difference. Just thought I'd share.

BTW, the new editor at TTAC is a friend of mine. He says they can't take down the post, I call BS on that, and they leave it up. I Googled it every few years and use it. Best thing that ever happened to me. Oh and that new editor? I was on his short list for truck-related freelance content. Obviously I can't write for you with that post. Or maybe I could. Now that would be hilarious to get a review of mine on his website. Maybe I'll even link to the worst car reviewer post in the article! LOL. Nah.

I wonder why the only social contact he has is hostile Facebook posts...It's called Shampoo, slick.
I remember reading that article. I knew who you were at the time from Tundra Headquarters and a few articles on Pickuptrucks.com (remember how toxic that place was lol). What's awesome is this article didn't dampen your journalism career at all which continued to grow by leaps and bounds after that.
Man the comments from Pickuptrucks.com were something. They should have curated them, but they didn't and created a monster.