Why BEVs are a dead end

GMT 900

Well-known member

Please excuse the British focus for those of us who live in North America (most members of the forum), but the fundementals are spot on in the article.

Note, this is not written by some PR person promoting a particular sides talking points. Here is the info from the bottom of the page:

Michael Kelly is Emeritus Professor of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, of the Royal Academy of Engineering, of the Royal Society of New Zealand, of the Institute of Physics and of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, as well as Senior Member of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering in the USA

Take it from someone who works hand in hand with Electrical Engineers (EEs), they LOVE Teslas and other EVs because it is their area of expertise and they, being human (really, inside joke) have Egos like everyone else. They play second fiddle to the Propulsion folks, Chassis/Airframe folks etc, yet create incredible control systems and efficiencies, i.e. best supporting actors, but never the lead in purely transportation systems. BEVs let them be the stars and this adoration, in my opinion, clouds their judgement, For one of their own to call out the engineering realities takes courage and conviction. Dr. Kelly did us all a great favor in speaking truth to power on BEVs.