Truck news recap thoughts?

I'm wondering about truck news recap videos I do and if you guys like them or not? Can they be improved? Do I ramble too much?

I just published a new one:

I like these reviews because in a short amount of time I can see what you covered during the week that I might have missed. Rambling, IMO, is part of your job so don’t worry about it. I would recommend that your channel stay away from the negativity (which you’ve done a really good job at) and PLEASE stay away from politics especially this election year. I’m dreading the boatload of nonsense that will dominate the air and e-waves this year. Stick to the truck/SUV stuff, your fans will appreciate it, I know I will. 👍
The review helps focus on the news, but there is no way for interaction on the stories you cover, there is still the old comment section at the bottom. I frequent a sports board that uses this excellent XenForo platform and has direct forum links to stories on their splash page:

Fot example, you have the Hertz story on selling back EVs because of problems (know all about the collision issue with Tesla's...Sandy Munro went from hated to darling with the EV throng, but he is strangely quiet about repairing Giga Castings). This is interesting given the new federal traveler mandate to use "ZEVs"

Just thinking this tie in could boost the forum by tying it in with the latest news.
I'm wondering about truck news recap videos I do and if you guys like them or not? Can they be improved? Do I ramble too much?

I just published a new one:

They're fine Tim. And as stated, rambling is kinda of your job, otherwise, the video would only be a minute long. Talking about any changes to your thoughts on the story since you released it is great. Just like when you discussed the cost of the Hyundai. Discussing the common feedback from the comments is also good. It shows people you are reading many of them. And those comments may bring up new points to discuss about the subject. That's why I watch the recap, not just to hear you point out all the vids you did but what's new about those subjects.
The review helps focus on the news, but there is no way for interaction on the stories you cover, there is still the old comment section at the bottom. I frequent a sports board that uses this excellent XenForo platform and has direct forum links to stories on their splash page:

Fot example, you have the Hertz story on selling back EVs because of problems (know all about the collision issue with Tesla's...Sandy Munro went from hated to darling with the EV throng, but he is strangely quiet about repairing Giga Castings). This is interesting given the new federal traveler mandate to use "ZEVs"

Just thinking this tie in could boost the forum by tying it in with the latest news.
So this forum uses the XenForo software as well. I’ve toyed with the news items on a splash page. I’m just new to this forum idea and creating it was about all my creative energy. LOL. I’ll think about it.