By posting anywhere on this message board, it is assumed all users have read and understand the following posting rules.
1. Show courtesy and respect to ALL other members, moderators, administrators, and staff. Any disrespect to others may result in banning that member.
2. Potential Sponsors, please contact the site admins if you are interested. We do not allow ad's being posted by non sponsors. They will be deleted!
3. Sponsors, you must have your business name incorporated into your signature with a link to your website.
4. Flame-baiting, flaming, being abusive, being disrespectful, trolling, NO DRAMA, spamming or posting to incite or annoy is not allowed. If you cannot make a positive contribution to the thread, then just stay out of it.
4a. Do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any US laws.
5. Users may only have one account/username. Anyone caught with more than one account may result in a ban. Secondary accounts have been known to be used as an outlet for offensive posts, cheating, and alter-egos.
6. Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting.
7. Threads should remain on topic, do not "hijack" topics.
8. Do not open a new thread that duplicates a current topic.
9. Members are asked to not act as "back seat moderators". If you feel a post violates the forum rules, the use the "Report to Moderator" link in the post to report it.
10. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated. This includes attempts to bypass the profanity filter.
11. Users are permitted to upload their own avatars. Avatars must be in good taste and consistent with the other rules of this board.
12. Use the search options prior to asking a question. There is a chance your issue has already been addressed.
13. Members should post in a way which is consistent with "normal writing". That is users should not post excessive numbers of emoticons, large, small text, etc. Similarly users should not SHOUT (All Caps) or use excessive punctuation (e.g. ! and ?) in topic titles or posts.
14. All posts, in public forums, should be made in the English language.
15. Threads started devoid of commentary will not be allowed (i.e. links, cut-n-pastes, clicky, read this, etc...)
16. Posting topics or threads which are based on politics, race, religion, or to promote anger (e.g. discussing what pisses you off in your everyday life.) is expressly forbidden. These topics can get heated really quick and will be closed.
18. When posting write legibly. Posting The Wall Of Text is not easy for everyone to read and will be disregarded by most. Grammar police will be on your case about this until you can make the effort to make paragraphs.
19. Please avoid vague thread titles in serious or technical posts. e.g. "Look at these." or "Where can I get this?" is not an acceptable title. A vague title will not help others or yourself in future searches. Members who continue to give a vague title, for serious or technical posts, will receive a warning if this persists.
1. Show courtesy and respect to ALL other members, moderators, administrators, and staff. Any disrespect to others may result in banning that member.
2. Potential Sponsors, please contact the site admins if you are interested. We do not allow ad's being posted by non sponsors. They will be deleted!
3. Sponsors, you must have your business name incorporated into your signature with a link to your website.
4. Flame-baiting, flaming, being abusive, being disrespectful, trolling, NO DRAMA, spamming or posting to incite or annoy is not allowed. If you cannot make a positive contribution to the thread, then just stay out of it.
4a. Do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any US laws.
5. Users may only have one account/username. Anyone caught with more than one account may result in a ban. Secondary accounts have been known to be used as an outlet for offensive posts, cheating, and alter-egos.
6. Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting.
7. Threads should remain on topic, do not "hijack" topics.
8. Do not open a new thread that duplicates a current topic.
9. Members are asked to not act as "back seat moderators". If you feel a post violates the forum rules, the use the "Report to Moderator" link in the post to report it.
10. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated. This includes attempts to bypass the profanity filter.
11. Users are permitted to upload their own avatars. Avatars must be in good taste and consistent with the other rules of this board.
12. Use the search options prior to asking a question. There is a chance your issue has already been addressed.
13. Members should post in a way which is consistent with "normal writing". That is users should not post excessive numbers of emoticons, large, small text, etc. Similarly users should not SHOUT (All Caps) or use excessive punctuation (e.g. ! and ?) in topic titles or posts.
14. All posts, in public forums, should be made in the English language.
15. Threads started devoid of commentary will not be allowed (i.e. links, cut-n-pastes, clicky, read this, etc...)
16. Posting topics or threads which are based on politics, race, religion, or to promote anger (e.g. discussing what pisses you off in your everyday life.) is expressly forbidden. These topics can get heated really quick and will be closed.
18. When posting write legibly. Posting The Wall Of Text is not easy for everyone to read and will be disregarded by most. Grammar police will be on your case about this until you can make the effort to make paragraphs.
19. Please avoid vague thread titles in serious or technical posts. e.g. "Look at these." or "Where can I get this?" is not an acceptable title. A vague title will not help others or yourself in future searches. Members who continue to give a vague title, for serious or technical posts, will receive a warning if this persists.