Ridgeline vs Frontier?

I wrote up a comparison between the Ridgeline and the Frontier. Has anyone cross shopped these trucks? I tend to believe Honda fans are Honda fans through and through. They don't cross shop. What do you think?

If you can get past the shallow bed and not really thinking about going off road the Ridgeline would be a good option you know you will get 300k miles with no issues. My wife has 2016 Pilot I am familiar with the platform, it rides well and is a comfortable road trip vehicle that gets good gas mileage (25 mpg)
I am fairly agnostic when it comes to religious branding. Have had a little bit of everything in my driving career. Currently in possession of a 2015 Honda Pilot and a 2016 Subaru Forester.
Subaru manages mid-20s but Pilot is in the 18s. Never had any critical problems (bought used at 32k on the odo). Biggest thing that has me turned off was the white paint issue. (- https://www.fixdapp.com/auto-warranty/honda-paint-recall-owner-update-how-to-file/) I went to my local dealer early this year, they said it was definitely under the extended warranty, dragged me around for a couple months and then told me; “Honda said they hadn’t gotten enough revenue from me as a customer so they wouldn’t look into it. I do admit the paint started coming off just after the extended seven year extension (ain’t that always the way?)
Besides the fact that I have little to no faith in my local dealer anyway, I am not exactly a Honda fanatic. I would be interested in the comparison though. Tim’s research is always good and thorough.
Yep … then I read the review / comparison. Detailed as I expected annnd … I still go back to wanting a full size truck … /re-engage waffledrive