How to block a specific Youtube channel from search results (not mentioning names)


Active member
There's one channel I do not want to see in searches or recommendations. I searched on how to do it and changed all the settings I think I can for now. However, one guy's channel keeps coming up in searches. I don't want to watch his videos (I think he's a bit looney) but I can't seem to remove him from the searches. I'm not going to mention any names because I don't want to bash anyone here. I just want to know if there's a functionality to block them from search results. Maybe there isn't, but I thought I'd try here just in case. Thanks
It's probably my channel! :ROFLMAO:. I'm a little looney for for sue, but you click the three dots by a video and select don't recommend this channel, but it might take a few times before it takes for whatever reason.