How long have I been doing this?


Staff member
Well, I screwed up the other day. I was asked how long I've been in the automotive journalism business. I responded with the same thing I've said for a while now, "about a decade." Turns out it is more like nearly 12 and a half years. Crazy to think what answering a job on a Craigslist Ad can turn into all these years later. I decided to do some searching and this is, what I believe to to be, my first article. It is funny, 12 years later, I'm still reporting on reliability rankings.
Well, I screwed up the other day. I was asked how long I've been in the automotive journalism business. I responded with the same thing I've said for a while now, "about a decade." Turns out it is more like nearly 12 and a half years. Crazy to think what answering a job on a Craigslist Ad can turn into all these years later. I decided to do some searching and this is, what I believe to to be, my first article. It is funny, 12 years later, I'm still reporting on reliability rankings.
Are you still arguing about the future quality of turbos?