GM to replace some engines in 2023 Colorado’s and Sierra due to cracks.

I'm surprised that they would bother even saying anything about it being that small. I'd contact those 7 owners with a phone call and direct them to the nearest dealer. It would take a flunky all of 15 minutes but would go miles for customer service. Doing what they did probably took a flunky days to write, get approved, etc.
I'm surprised that they would bother even saying anything about it being that small. I'd contact those 7 owners with a phone call and direct them to the nearest dealer. It would take a flunky all of 15 minutes but would go miles for customer service. Doing what they did probably took a flunky days to write, get approved, etc.
I don't think GM wanted to make this public really and GMAuthority broke the news causing them to respond.
That's what I mean. Such a low number, how did it even become big enough to get out and be news? Somebody must have created a memo that circulated the company stating, "some 2.7 have cracked blokes" and everyone thought it was going to be huge. Before I released anything, I would have the number. Or is it something they need to declare to the gov't immediately?
That's what I mean. Such a low number, how did it even become big enough to get out and be news? Somebody must have created a memo that circulated the company stating, "some 2.7 have cracked blokes" and everyone thought it was going to be huge. Before I released anything, I would have the number. Or is it something they need to declare to the gov't immediately?
Yeah, I think GMA jumped the gun on this story. I've done that at times as well, so I can't criticize them to much over it.
I guess I'll be using my "underpowered" Toyota Tacoma to help tow some GM peeps to the dealership for new engines. Maybe they should have detuned those a bit for better longevity eh @Fightnfire? :ROFLMAO:

But in all seriousness, there will probably be at least that many Toyota and Ford engine issues this year too I'm sure, I just hope it's not mine!
I guess I'll be using my "underpowered" Toyota Tacoma to help tow some GM peeps to the dealership for new engines. Maybe they should have detuned those a bit for better longevity eh @Fightnfire? :ROFLMAO:

But in all seriousness, there will probably be at least that many Toyota and Ford engine issues this year too I'm sure, I just hope it's not mine!

Hey, I kept quiet. GM is addressing the issue and replacing a few engines. Meanwhile it's all quiet on the western front for the many more Tundra engine blowups lol.
Man, enjoy those days. Mine is already in his 30s and out in your neck of the woods in the city...Moving back East soon.

I do get a little worn out on the constant shuffling. He's a two sport kid so he always has something going on after school whether it's mandatory weight room for football or practice of some sort. I do enjoy it, and yeah time flies by. I coached his team for a few years and as the kids went off in different directions it's pretty crazy to see six or seven kids on his high school baseball team that I had a hand in coaching whether it was t-ball coach pitch or more competitive.

That's what I tell my buddies with younger kids enjoy it because it's over in the blink of an eye.
I do get a little worn out on the constant shuffling. He's a two sport kid so he always has something going on after school whether it's mandatory weight room for football or practice of some sort. I do enjoy it, and yeah time flies by. I coached his team for a few years and as the kids went off in different directions it's pretty crazy to see six or seven kids on his high school baseball team that I had a hand in coaching whether it was t-ball coach pitch or more competitive.

That's what I tell my buddies with younger kids enjoy it because it's over in the blink of an eye.
You guys are good Dads. I feel the same with raising kids. I basically blew it with my daughter who is 25 now. My boys are 14 and 12. I pick them up from school everyday and try to be around as much as I can.

I’ve also decided to skip a yearly event in Wisconsin called the MAMA Spring Rally. It is the Midwest Automotive Media Association’s big event. My reasoning is it occurs on the day the boys get out of school. I like to pick them up and get their favorite fast food for them. I figure I only have a few more years of doing this then they will be driving and don’t want to be picked up. For the next few years at least, I won’t be going to the Spring Rally.
You guys are good Dads. I feel the same with raising kids. I basically blew it with my daughter who is 25 now. My boys are 14 and 12. I pick them up from school everyday and try to be around as much as I can.

I’ve also decided to skip a yearly event in Wisconsin called the MAMA Spring Rally. It is the Midwest Automotive Media Association’s big event. My reasoning is it occurs on the day the boys get out of school. I like to pick them up and get their favorite fast food for them. I figure I only have a few more years of doing this then they will be driving and don’t want to be picked up. For the next few years at least, I won’t be going to the Spring Rally.
Good call. They grow up quickly, so never take the time for granted. I missed a few birthdays, Christmases, etc. while deployed overseas so I know how precious time is.