EV and House Insurance

I discussed EV and House Insurance with a friend of mine who owns an insurance agency, and I drilled him for information, what he said was EV and house insurance is still under study and risk assessment, in short it means insurance underwriter's are going to hit you in the pocket eventually, right now EV's pay higher premiums but look for the rates to jump, if you own a house and EV where you park and charge in the garage or driveway by the house, you will see a significant rate hike, it gets worse, if you have a house/building within X amount of feet from your house and EV, there is another rate hike, I did not get how many feet are they talking about because its under review, my question was what if I have a house on both sides of me and the two houses charge EV's in their garage, am I screwed as do I stand a chance of getting my rates hiked, he said possibly, so Im basically subsidizing somebody else's bomb, I live in the country in a small subdivision with large properties, I have 50 feet each side of my house before I can touch my neighbors houses, but each neighbor own ICE vehicles, ok I might be safe, but it still doesn't mean my rates wont go up.

Right now Tesla has the highest accident rate of any brand, reason insurance companies find is many Tesla owners are not used to the high amount of torque, many are coming off of ICE cars where the petal to torque is much tamer, ok we're no talking Challenger Red Eye owners here, so these people are coming off your average accelerating car into a torque monster, and you wonder why my rates went up where I have no violations and everything is paid for, mind you there is the same problem with EV's made by other OEM's but there are much fewer of their units, EV's are expensive to fix, if you get a dent on the under panel of the battery, the insurance company will force a battery change, and thats big money, this stuff is all noted and entered when you enter the dealer for service. there is another problem with EV drivers but it also includes ICE drivers, I forget the word the insurance companies use because its meant to be politically correct, but it they're saying there are a lot of stupid EV drivers doing stupid things pertaining to the battery, such as over charging, banging the bottom panel, watching the info screen do things like looking for different data, actually the info screen watching is getting worse than texting and driving, just think of the driver doing both, bottom line is, insurance companies aren't stupid and they're out to make money, they look at every and anything.
I discussed EV and House Insurance with a friend of mine who owns an insurance agency, and I drilled him for information, what he said was EV and house insurance is still under study and risk assessment, in short it means insurance underwriter's are going to hit you in the pocket eventually, right now EV's pay higher premiums but look for the rates to jump, if you own a house and EV where you park and charge in the garage or driveway by the house, you will see a significant rate hike, it gets worse, if you have a house/building within X amount of feet from your house and EV, there is another rate hike, I did not get how many feet are they talking about because its under review, my question was what if I have a house on both sides of me and the two houses charge EV's in their garage, am I screwed as do I stand a chance of getting my rates hiked, he said possibly, so Im basically subsidizing somebody else's bomb, I live in the country in a small subdivision with large properties, I have 50 feet each side of my house before I can touch my neighbors houses, but each neighbor own ICE vehicles, ok I might be safe, but it still doesn't mean my rates wont go up.

Right now Tesla has the highest accident rate of any brand, reason insurance companies find is many Tesla owners are not used to the high amount of torque, many are coming off of ICE cars where the petal to torque is much tamer, ok we're no talking Challenger Red Eye owners here, so these people are coming off your average accelerating car into a torque monster, and you wonder why my rates went up where I have no violations and everything is paid for, mind you there is the same problem with EV's made by other OEM's but there are much fewer of their units, EV's are expensive to fix, if you get a dent on the under panel of the battery, the insurance company will force a battery change, and thats big money, this stuff is all noted and entered when you enter the dealer for service. there is another problem with EV drivers but it also includes ICE drivers, I forget the word the insurance companies use because its meant to be politically correct, but it they're saying there are a lot of stupid EV drivers doing stupid things pertaining to the battery, such as over charging, banging the bottom panel, watching the info screen do things like looking for different data, actually the info screen watching is getting worse than texting and driving, just think of the driver doing both, bottom line is, insurance companies aren't stupid and they're out to make money, they look at every and anything.
That’s a really interesting topic. I’ll be looking for data to back it up.
That’s a really interesting topic. I’ll be looking for data to back it up.
Phone your insurance company and get a quote, if your house is with the same, see if they jack up the house at the same time, just for fun if you have a double or more garage, get a quote for two EV's, then see if they give some kind of discount for insuring two vehicles, pay close attention, they will start playing the numbers on you. Have a look at new housing developments, many of these houses are so close together you can touch both yours and your neighbors wall at the sometime, even worse if the house is a semi-detached.

Here is some easy to find Tesla info links. We're these drivers using autopilot at the time??, I don't think Tesla would give out that info without a court order, if they offered this info just for asking, they would incriminate themselves and media would be crawling all over them, but its not just an autopilot thing as stated, I have experience in this, I went for a ride with a friend who owns a Tesla model 3, and he was always messing with the screen, I asked him WTF are you doing, he wanted to know how many recalculated estimated kWh to where we are going, and we weren't going very far, around 15 miles to be exact, and the car had almost a full charge, then he decides he needs more info, then he's flipping through Rolling Stones album covers looking for "Some Girls in Texas", mind you I like the album myself, my friend the Tesla driver is addicted to tech, he takes his iPhone with him when he takes the dog for a walk, he's glued to the screen and the dog is leading him where ever it wants to go, smart dog I'd say. I've driven my friend's model 3 a few times, the main and only screen you need is slightly to the right, sometimes you have to turn your head slightly to the right to see your speed, but your important left eye can lose the view of the left part of the windshield by the pillar, it takes getting used too, but as like anything bad things happen fast when your not watching, many other EV makers will have a cluster right in front of the driver in the normal spot, no need to slightly turn head, you have to ask how many people will turn their heads more than needed, I think the answer is "many".

I'll keep you up to date when I hear something new about insurance.
