Does a projected truck resale value matter to you?

I would say that if I were looking at two vehicles that are more or less equal, resale would be an important factor. We plan on keeping the Tacoma a long time, but we haven't kept many vehicles longer than 3 years with just a couple of exceptions. So this is probably a data thing, and an interesting poll on your YouTube channel. How long to do keep a vehicle on average? That might help you answer that question too. Though people who lease may care less about that too.
No I don't. I want to drive what ticks the boxes and makes me happy, not what makes my spreadsheet happy.

Financially it has to make some sort of sense but if you show me a vehicle with high resale I'll show you that same vehicle with a high purchase price, it kinda cancels out.
No I don't. I want to drive what ticks the boxes and makes me happy, not what makes my spreadsheet happy.

Financially it has to make some sort of sense but if you show me a vehicle with high resale I'll show you that same vehicle with a high purchase price, it kinda cancels out.

That's an interesting point that I haven't really thought much about... For paying more on the front end your resale doesn't matter as much.
It seems the sentiment is that you should buy what you like or want and not to concern yourself with depreciation. I'm on board with that but I am wondering if we SHOULD be factoring depreciation in.

I was playing around on the Car Edge site where they estimate operating costs by year and the range in depreciation depending on the vehicle was much larger than I anticipated. I will be back in the market for another vehicle in the relatively near future and wonder how this will come into play now.
Generally, to this point I’ve found that trucks maintain their residual value better than most cars.
I seem to be with the consensus here. I try to get all of the options I need (with a look I like) for the most reasonable price I can. I figure if I save some money at the start that takes care of some of the residual loss at the end. The money is still in my pocket. I seem to change trucks every 8 years or so. I’m on my 5th truck.
Who knows what the future will bring on resale with how the market is changing.
Buy the vehicle you like(you will take better care of it) and drive it like you stole it.
Generally, to this point I’ve found that trucks maintain their residual value better than most cars.
I seem to be with the consensus here. I try to get all of the options I need (with a look I like) for the most reasonable price I can. I figure if I save some money at the start that takes care of some of the residual loss at the end. The money is still in my pocket. I seem to change trucks every 8 years or so. I’m on my 5th truck.
Who knows what the future will bring on resale with how the market is changing.
Buy the vehicle you like(you will take better care of it) and drive it like you stole it.
Statistically you are average for swapping a truck every 8 years btw. People do keep trucks longer, but the majority is on the 7-8 year swap plan.