Deep dive into Tim (Who influenced him?)

Saddle Tramp

Active member
I was reading "Side Glances" by Peter Egan. (His editorials from the 80's) and started thinking of writers and editors I enjoyed over the years: Patrick Beddard, Satch Carlson, Jean Lindamood... and was wondering who inspired Tim to get into auto journalism.

Who are they Tim, We're curious.
I was reading "Side Glances" by Peter Egan. (His editorials from the 80's) and started thinking of writers and editors I enjoyed over the years: Patrick Beddard, Satch Carlson, Jean Lindamood... and was wondering who inspired Tim to get into auto journalism.

Who are they Tim, We're curious.
I'd love to give you a list of names, but I don't have any. Honestly, I didn't read many car reviews or articles until I got into the business. It wasn't that I didn't care, it is just I didn't really know this career even existed.

Now that I'm in the business, I like Jill's work, obviously, Joel Feder, Lyn Woodward, Paul Eisenstein, Caleb Jacobs and the Elmers. My other colleagues produce good work as well.

Honestly, I don't read that much or watch that many videos. I'm pretty busy doing my own stuff and thinking about my overall business. I try to watch and read more each day. Sometimes I reach that goal and sometimes I don't.