Data breaches


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I got an email from AT&T this morning saying that some of my data associated with my phone number was accessed by hackers. Supposedly no personal information was accessed, but they did get texts. What's concerning to me is I haven't had an account with AT&T for a couple years now. They kept jacking up prices so I cancelled everything I had with AT&T. I'm not surprised they kept information, but it is annoying. I suspect the same thing is true with these login accounts created on new vehicle infotainment systems. You make an account and the data linked to you that they store probably never goes away. Subscription services are also another door into linking info to people. I've had my bank account hacked once and CC at least once that I remember. With all these digital footprints and data hacks, it's bound to happen again.
I heard about that AT&T breach they had back in January. I can't even imagine that amount of data sitting out there. You would think they would purge older accounts but apparently, it's not worth the effort. Just easier to add more storage facilities I guess. I'm at the point now that I feel everything I've ever done or entered online is out there somewhere. I've had my CC replaced probably 10 separate times over the years. I feel it's just part of life now. No way to completely secure anything anymore. I'm just glad no one wants my identity.
I heard about that AT&T breach they had back in January. I can't even imagine that amount of data sitting out there. You would think they would purge older accounts but apparently, it's not worth the effort. Just easier to add more storage facilities I guess. I'm at the point now that I feel everything I've ever done or entered online is out there somewhere. I've had my CC replaced probably 10 separate times over the years. I feel it's just part of life now. No way to completely secure anything anymore. I'm just glad no one wants my identity.
My info was leaked in that incident as well. I think I have about 4 different subscriptions to data/credit monitoring services due to data breaches at this point. It's pretty crazy.

A friend of mine had a strange, but small charge in his bank account and he was able to get ahold of the company that charged it. They fixed things, but told him he needed to close his bank account and get a new one. Can you buy a new truck with Gold Bars?
My info was leaked in that incident as well. I think I have about 4 different subscriptions to data/credit monitoring services due to data breaches at this point. It's pretty crazy.

A friend of mine had a strange, but small charge in his bank account and he was able to get ahold of the company that charged it. They fixed things, but told him he needed to close his bank account and get a new one. Can you buy a new truck with Gold Bars?
After I had a bunch of fraudulent charges to my bank account, I made some changes. I stopped using debit cards entirely and got a credit card with a low credit limit. I also opened a few other accounts to put money in with different banks and investment companies. If I have to pay with check now, I transfer just enough funds to the account ahead of time. I also set transaction alerts at a fairly low threshold.

It may sound paranoid, but when I found out how difficult it can be to get money back, if at all, I started keeping my eggs in several baskets.
I never use a debit card for anything because that's tied to my bank account. Only a CC or cash. To me CC are damn near disposable. I never hesitate to throw that number out there. I don't worry about the CC limit either because the CC companies don't hold you responsible for a $7 charge or a $7k charge any differently.

And like Ben, I have multiple subscriptions to the monitoring services for the same
I never use a debit card for anything because that's tied to my bank account. Only a CC or cash. To me CC are damn near disposable. I never hesitate to throw that number out there. I don't worry about the CC limit either because the CC companies don't hold you responsible for a $7 charge or a $7k charge any differently.

And like Ben, I have multiple subscriptions to the monitoring services for the same
Yeah that makes sense. I feel like each day I'm getting closer to wanting to live the hermit life in the mountains with at least 5 acres of land separating me from other people too. Saw a dude in our parking lot putting on body armor with a pistol on his hip before he got into his brodozer truck. Between that and the cyber world craziness, an nice piece of land in the middle of nowhere and my cash buried in on the property might not be so bad.... ;)