Auto Shows


Well-known member
I've been watching a good deal of the coverage of the Chicago show. It looks like more of the vehicles are open so that is nice. That being said of the several channels I have watched, the videos are pretty similar. This vs that, what's less expensive vs more, and a lot of annoying people and music getting in the way of creating videos. But there doesn't look like there's much new to see overall either. What are you and Jill thinking about the show this year vs past years?

Also I kind of picture a big PT&ST, Autonation, TFL and others party at least one night? Confirm or Deny? Also remember to keep it tight on you fitness goals Tim!
I've been watching a good deal of the coverage of the Chicago show. It looks like more of the vehicles are open so that is nice. That being said of the several channels I have watched, the videos are pretty similar. This vs that, what's less expensive vs more, and a lot of annoying people and music getting in the way of creating videos. But there doesn't look like there's much new to see overall either. What are you and Jill thinking about the show this year vs past years?

Also I kind of picture a big PT&ST, Autonation, TFL and others party at least one night? Confirm or Deny? Also remember to keep it tight on you fitness goals Tim!
I was noticing that too with regards to videos. Sorry, for my late reply, busy weekend. Frankly, there was zero new and the show was half of what it had been in year's past. Comparisons were really the only content to create and I think it is interesting TFL basically put out the same kind of videos.

There was a party on Thursday called Sweet Home Chicago. It happens every year. I chose not to go. I did have a few drinks at the bar with some friends and then went to bed. I didn't drink the night before. I wish I hadn't drank that night, I had a fairly bad headache all day Friday flying home. Not cool!