after market video recording up grades?


Active member
so I have been thinking?? the Tundra have a lot of cams on the truck and every time you stop the video comes up. is there an after market device that can record the video? like in the Tesla this would be a game changer? any thoughts?
Wouldn't that be nice. Even having the ability to access the system or add cameras to display would be great. An aux plug so you could plug in a remote camera on the back of the trailer.
Wouldn't that be nice. Even having the ability to access the system or add cameras to display would be great. An aux plug so you could plug in a remote camera on the back of the trailer.

I think most new trucks from GM, Ford and RAM come with exactly this option. I know I have two on my GMC and my father-in-law's Ram has two. They allow you to plug in cameras from a trailer that then show up on the infotainment screen as extra views instead of having a separate mounted screen. It's how the invisible trailer system works on the GM's.
You can but those systems are expensive stock ones. I'm just looking for an Aux jack to add one or more with a simple 3.5mm plug. Like adding extra lights. I'm building a system now, but it takes a separate monitor.