It's tough because some people are die hard fans of a specific brand and have been their whole life. Hell, they were going to be a fan of Ford or GM before they were born because they're dad owned one and it's the greatest truck made. It would be similar if we started a general fan football forum... you can imagine how that would go.
I remember Roman saying in a video once that they know a lot of people watch their content to get confirmation that their truck is the best truck. When it isn't, they (TFL) hear about the mistakes they made or how their test was bias from owners of said trucks. I remember him saying that and it stuck with me.
The other issues with a forum like this is that there are a lot of objective opinions on some things that are subjective and vice-versa. It doesn't help that the vast majority of YouTube reviews are of a subjective nature. Hell, look at TFL's IKE video... it's entirely subjective with the exception of accelleration times, fuel consumption etc. Brake applications down hill? It's very possible some of those trucks are programmed to use the brakes a little more coming down a steep grade. My grandfather was a military mechanic and then retired to a public shop where he worked on vehicles for 30 years. His advice on this topic was always pretty simple... what's cheaper to replace, transmissions or brakes? Use your brakes. (Obviously a little outdated but you get the point)
I know I've hammered the Tacoma, I still think it's a great truck... I just think it's now overpriced and not by a little. For 10-15 years they have made hands-down (subjectively) the best mid-size truck in the market. Capability, reliability etc. Now, however, that's not clear but Toyota is still asking you to pay for it as if it is. I think it will sell, and still lead the category partly because of the aforementioned bias involved in trucks, not because it's clearly the best anymore.
Anywho, I could go on and on and on. I appreciate the differing opinions in here. My bias is probably going to lead me to shine a light on GMC (not necessarily Chevy), suspect RAM long-term reliability, questions Toyota's value and challenge Fords build quality. However, as I've said time and time again... I don't really think you can go wrong with any of the trucks in the full size or mid size segment. Find what works for you, they're all pretty damn great... and overpriced.