New website and forum integration


Staff member
Hello everyone,

Yesterday Jill and I spent 2 hours with our IT guy discussing a new website. I wanted to share some overall thoughts as well as how this would impact the forum.

First, the plan is to:

  • Speed up page loading times
  • Stop items from shifting on the screen
  • Make font larger and easier to read
  • Make photos wider
  • Add more white space throughout the website which should cut down on how spammy some ads are displayed
  • Improve how the website looks on mobile
For the forum

  • Automate creating posts for every new story on the website
  • Move all article comments to the forum
  • Improve page loading speed
We are just in the midst of working on this and I hope by September 1 a new website will be online.

Why make the change? Our current design is at least 5 years old and we have been patching it together. Not everything works as it should and things shift too much for my liking.

Also, the website took a massive hit for traffic and revenue last year with a Google update. The hope is a new website layout will encourage Google to love us again and turn that trend around.

Thank you for your patience.
That’d be great, Tim. I had an old ipad and it was really hard to do anything, post, like comments, etc. i have a new ipad now that works better but its still glitchy on your forum.